2024 – No 3 Mass Victimisation and Victim Support: | |
Jelena Zulević | Eye Movement Desensitization and Reprocessing and Crisis Support in Response to Mass Shootings in Serbia |
Lucy Kganyago Mphaphuli: | Witness Protection Program: The Impact of Intimidation on State Witnesses |
Saša M. Marković: | Ubistva u kontekstu partnerskog nasilja u Srbiji: Pojavni oblici i zaštita žrtava |
Ivana Prović: | Dinamika nasilnih partnerskih odnosa – Začarani krug nasilja Dynamics of Intimate Partner Violence – Cycle of Abuse |
Slavica Adamović Zdravković | Prikaz sprovođenja programa rada sa učiniocima rodno zasnovanog nasilja u Republici Srbiji tokom 2021. godine |
Jelena Srnić Nerac | Registri seksualnih prestupnika – opšta razmatranja i analiza podataka iz registra u Srbiji |
2024 – No 1 Crime, victims and social reaction: | |
Sanja Ćopić Slađana Jovanović: | IN MEMORIAM: Prof. dr Biljana Simeunović-Patić (1970-2023) |
Biljana Simeunović-Patić Vesna Nikolić-Ristanović: | Dekonstrukcija organizovanog kriminala i istraživanje ratne viktimizacije Deconstruction of Organised Crime and Research of War Victimisation Full text: https://doi.org/10.2298/TEM2401007S |
Olivera Pavićević Aleksandra Bulatović: | Faktori ravnoteže u društvu koji pokreću i sprečavaju nasilje Factors of Social Equilibrium Shaping and Preventing Violence Full text: https://doi.org/10.2298/TEM2401029P |
Ljubomir Stajić Nenad Radivojević: | Bezbednosna kultura kao faktor prevencije viktimizacije korisnika informacionih tehnologija Security Culture as a Factor in Preventing Victimization of Information Technology Users Full text: https://doi.org/10.2298/TEM2401053S |
Gema Varona: | The Right to Accompaniment by a Person of the Victim‘s Choice as a Key Right to Avoid Secondary Victimization: Exploratory Qualitative Research in Spain Pravo na pratnju osobe po izboru žrtve kao ključno pravo da se izbegne sekundarna viktimizacija: Eksplorativno kvalitativno istraživanje u Španiji Full text: https://doi.org/10.2298/TEM2401071V |
Bojana Radovanović Predrag Krstić: | Humanitarizam na klackalici etike i politike Humanitarianism Torn between Ethics and Politics Full text: https://doi.org/10.2298/TEM2401095R |
Filip Novaković: | Beyond Cruelty: Analyzing Sexual and Gender-Based Violence as Torture and Inhuman Treatment |
2023 – No 3 Victims and Restorative Justice: | |
Heather L. Scheuerman | Importance of Victims: How Does Offense Type Affect Restoration and Reparation in Restorative Justice Conferencing? |
Gabor Hera | The Potential of Restorative Approaches in Domestic Violence Cases to Contribute to More Victim-Centred Responses – Based on the experiences of two field-based research programs |
Violeta Đorđević | Problemi dece roditelja u zatvoru i njihova pozicija u sistemu socijalne zaštite |
Aleksandra Rabrenović | Gender (In)Equality in Policing: the Perception of Montenegrin Police Officers |
Ankica Šobot: | Ekonomska neizvesnost kao okolnost donošenja odluka o roditeljstvu i rađanju: Istraživanja i politike |
Dragana Stojanović: | Važnost deviktimizacije i depatologizacije trans i rodno nebinarnih osoba i njihovih identiteta u školstvu: Potreba, nužnost i pravo |
2023 – No 1 Gender-based Violence in Different Settings: | |
Tyler Mills | Living in Misery: Child to Parent and Grandparent Violence and Abuse |
Rita Haverkamp | Intimate Partner Violence in Germany Before and During the COVID-19 Pandemic from a Gender Perspective |
Fátima Pérez Jiménez | “My Happiness Turned Into Sadness”: Intersectional Analysis Proposal on Gender Violence in the First Dating Relationships |
Vera Despotović | Uticaj pandemije COVID-19 na porodično funkcionisanje i procena potreba za psihosocijalnom podrškom |
Vesna Baltezarević | Sajber uznemiravanje dece sa posebnim osvrtom na digitalne igre |
Nevena Strižak | Socijalno – relacioni model ometenosti Kerol Tomas i njegov značaj za studije ometenosti |
2022 – No 3 Green victimology: | |
Ivana Ostojić | Nejednakost i neravnopravnost žena na tržištu rada u kontekstu zelene ekonomije |
Gordana Lažetić | lzazovi zaštite zivotne sredine u Republici Severnoj Makedoniji |
Marija Marković: | Dečija okrutnost prema životinjama – Speciifčnosti, rizični faktori, mogućnosti prevencije |
Vera Despotović: | COVID-19 i nasilje nad ženama u partnerskim odnosima |
2022 – No 2 COVID-19 pandemic: Victimological perspectives: | |
Irma Kovčo Vukadin: | COVID-19 Pandemic and Intimate Partner Violence: Experiences and Outcomes for Shelters’ Clients in Croatia Pandemija COVID-19 i partnersko nasilje: Iskustva i ishodi za klijente sigurnih kuća u Hrvatskoj Full text: https://doi.org/10.2298/TEM2202129K |
Ety Elisha Josh Guetzkow Yaffa Shir-Raz Natti Ronel: | Going against the Flow: Motivations of Professionals with Critical Views on Vaccination U suprotnosti sa mišljenjem većine: Motivi stručnjaka za kritičke stavove o vakcinaciji Full text: https://doi.org/10.2298/TEM2202155E |
Srinagar u Kašmiru Shabir Ahmad Najar Aadil Bashir Shazia Manzoor Bilal Ahmad Khan Bisma Farooq Sheikh: | COVID-19 Pandemic and the Challenges for Urban Informal Sector: An Insight from Street Vendors of District Srinagar, Kashmir Pandemija COVID-19 i izazovi za urbani neformalni sektor: Uvid uličnih prodavaca okruga Full text: hhttps://doi.org/10.2298/TEM2202179N |
Marija Nešić: | Pretpostavke efektivnosti programa izgradnje rezilijentnosti sistema Assumptions of the Effectiveness of the System Resilience Building Program Full text: https://doi.org/10.2298/TEM2202199N |
2022 – No 1 Victims and Contemporary Context: Challenges and Perspectives: | |
Ezzat A. Fattah: | Justice for Crime Victims: Has the Time Finally Come for a Radical Paradigm Shift? Pravda za žrtve kriminaliteta: Da li je najzad došlo vreme za radikalnu promenu paradigme? Full text: https://doi.org/10.2298/TEM2201007F |
Mirjana Dokmanović: | Afirmativno istraživanje i mogućnosti njegove primene u programima podrške žrtvama Appreciative Inquiry and Possibilities of Its Implementation in Victims Support Programmes Full text: https://doi.org/10.2298/TEM2201027D |
Vida Vilić: | Fišing kao oblik prevare i krađe identiteta u zdravstvu: Viktimizacija za vreme trajanja pandemije COVID-19 Phishing as a Form of Fraud Identity Theft in Healthcare: Victimization During COVID-19 Pandemic Full text: https://doi.org/10.2298/TEM2201053V |
Filip Mirić Danica Vasiljević-Prodanović: | Viktimološki osvrt na vršnjačko nasilje u digitalnom okruženju Victimological Review of Peer Violence in the Digital Environment Full text: https://doi.org/10.2298/TEM2201079M |
Rouf Ahmad Bhat Mohd Ashraf Wani: | Development of Women’s Movement in India: A Historical Perspective Razvoj ženskog pokreta u Indiji: Istorijska perspektiva Full text: https://doi.org/10.2298/TEM2201093B |
2021 – No 3 Sexual Violence: | |
Ksenija Butorac Ivica Luketić Ljiljana Mikšaj-Todorović: | Neka obilježja počinitelja spolne zlouporabe djece Some Characteristics of Perpetrators of Child Sexual Abuse Full text: https://doi.org/10.2298/TEM2103249B |
Sanja Ćopić Milica Luković Radaković: | Seksualno nasilje nad studentima na fakultetima: Pregled rezultata dosadašnjih istraživanja Sexual Violence against Students at Faculties: An Overview of the So Far Research Results Full text: https://doi.org/10.2298/TEM2103279C |
Debarati Halder: | PUBG Ban and Issues of Online Child Safety During COVID-19 Lockdown in India: A Critical Review from the Indian Information Technology Act Perspectives Zabrana PUBG i bezbednost dece na Internetu tokom COVID-19 lokdauna u Indiji: Kritički osvrt na Zakon o informacionim tehnologijama Indije Full text: https://doi.org/10.2298/TEM2103303H |
Jovan M. Petrović: | Obeležja situacija u kojima dolazi do krivičnih dela na štetu policijskih službenika Characteristics of the Situations Where Police Officers are Victimisated Full text: https://doi.org/10.2298/TEM2103329P |
2021 – No 2 Challenges of victim support: | |
Vesna Nikolić-Ristanović: | Rasprostranjenost, oblici, karakteristike i novi obrasci viktimizacije u Srbiji tokom pandemije COVID-19 Scope, Forms, Characteristics and New Patterns of Victimisation in Serbia During COVID-19 Pandemic Full text: https://doi.org/10.2298/TEM2102143N |
Manjinder Gulyani: | Social and Jurisprudential Explorationof Victimisation of Health Care Workers during COVID-19 Pandemic Sociološko i pravno istraživanje viktimizacije zdravstvenih radnika tokom pandemije COVID-19 Full text: https://doi.org/10.2298/TEM2102177G |
Ljubinka Lazić: | Nasilje u porodici kao rizični faktor za pojavu i razvoj poremećaja ponašanja djece Domestic violence as a Risk Factor for the Occurrence and Development of Behavioural Disorders in Children Full text: https://doi.org/10.2298/TEM2102201L |
Shabir Ahmad Najar Wakar Amin Zargar Shazia Manzoor Aadil Bashir Bilal Ahmad Khan: | Living Conditions of Informal Workers: A Sociological Study of Brick Kiln Workers in District Budgam of Kashmir Valley Uslovi za život neformalnih radnika: Sociološka studija radnika u ciglanama u okrugu Budgam u dolini Kašmir Full text: https://doi.org/10.2298/TEM2102217N |
2021 – No 1 COVID-19: Victimization Patterns and Victims’ Rights: | |
Vasiliki Artinopoulou: | Domestic Violence: Evidence-based Policies Before and During the Pandemic in Greece Nasilje u porodici: Politike zasnovane na dokazima pre i tokom pandemije u Grčkoj Full text: https://doi.org/10.2298/TEM2101003A |
Irma Kovčo Vukadin Dora Škarica: | Obiteljsko nasilje u vrijeme pandemije COVID-19: Stavovi hrvatskih studenata Domestic Violence During the COVID-19 Pandemic:Attitudes of Croatian Students Full text: https://doi.org/10.2298/TEM2101025K |
Dževad Mahmutović Sanja Škuletić-Malagić: | Nasilje u porodici u doba pandemije COVID-19 u Bosni i Hercegovini Domestic Violence at the time of the COVID-19 Pandemic in Bosnia and Herzegovina Full text: https://doi.org/10.2298/TEM2101055M |
Nikica Hamer Vidmar: | Podrška žrtvama i svjedocima u Republici Hrvatskoj u uvjetima pandemije COVID – 19 virusa Support to Victims and Witnesses in the Republic of Croatia during the COVID-19 Pandemic Full text: https://doi.org/10.2298/TEM2101075H |
Vesna Miletić-Stepanović: | Socijalni prostor predškolskih ustanova kao činilac rodne ravnopravnosti Social Space of Preschool Institutions as a Factor of Gender Equality Full text: https://doi.org/10.2298/TEM2101099M |
2020 – No 3 Child victims: | |
Tanja Ignjatović: | Assessments of the Social Welfare Centers on the Consequences, Security Risks and Recovery Needs of Children Witnesses of Violence in Parental Relationships Full text: https://doi.org/10.2298/TEM2003307I |
Nikola Paunović: | The Protection of Children Victims of Electronic Harassment in Criminal Law: Controversial Issues and Possible De Lege Ferenda Amendments Full text: https://doi.org/10.2298/TEM2003333P |
Bojana Tankosić Ivana Milosavljević–Đukić: | Why do Children Remain Silent about Sexual Abuse? Full text: https://doi.org/10.2298/TEM2003353T |
Milutin A. Popović Svetlana Tomić: | Types of Fear, Ethics and Aesthetics of Terror, and the Politics of Emotions in the Album of Female Prisoners Full text: https://doi.org/10.2298/TEM2003371P |
Nikola M. Petrović Nina Lalević: | Psychological Crisis Interventions with Victims of the Coronavirus Pandemic Full text: https://doi.org/10.2298/TEM2003407P |
2020 – No 2 Victimization in institutions: | |
Sanja Ćopić, Bejan Šaćiri: | Stavovi stručnjaka i stručnjakinja u Srbiji o rodnoj ravnopravnosti i rodno zasnovanom nasilju: Rezultati istraživanja Attitudes of Professionals in Serbia on Gender Equality and Gender-based Violence: The Research Results Full text: https://doi.org/10.2298/TEM2002169C |
Nataša Todorović, Milutin Vračević, Bosiljka Đikanović, Bojana Matejić: | Učestalost i tipovi zlostavljanja starijih osoba u Srbiji Frequency and Forms of Elder Abuse in Serbia Full text: https://doi.org/10.2298/TEM2002203T |
Oluyemi O. Akanni, Nosa G. Igbinomwanhia: | Psychiatric Defence of a Nigerian Minor with Intellectual Disability and Co-morbid Mental Illness: An Exploration into Legal Grounds Odbrana maloletnih učinilaca krivičnih dela sa komorbiditetom intelektualne ometenosti i psihijatrijskih poremećaja u Nigeriji: Analiza pravne osnove Full text: https://doi.org/10.2298/TEM2002229A |
Jovana Bokan: | Medijsko izvještavanje o nasilju nad ženama u Bosni i Hercegovini Media Reporting on Violence against Women in Bosnia and Herzegovina Full text: https://doi.org/10.2298/TEM2002241B |
Lazar Đoković: | Medijska viktimizacija okrivljenog kroz povređivanje pretpostavke nevinosti The Media Victimisation of the Defendant through the Violation of the Presumption of Innocence Full text: https://doi.org/10.2298/TEM2002271D |
2020 – No 1 Victimization and Diversity: | |
Mally Shechory-Bitton, Lea Jaeger: | The Role of Sexual Orientation in Differentiating between Perceptions of Rape Myths, Gender Role Stereotypes and Social Distance: The Case of Israel Uticaj seksualne orijentacije na percipiranje mitova o silovanju, rodnih stereotipa i socijalne distance: Slučaj Izraela Full text: https://doi.org/10.2298/TEM2001003S |
Irma Kovčo Vukadin: | LGBT žrtve nasilja: Pregled europskih spoznaja, politika i praksi LGBT Victims of Violence: An Overview of European Knowledge, Policies and Practices Full text: https://doi.org/10.2298/TEM2001027K |
Zorica Mršević: | Izazovi i perspektive „duginih porodica” u Srbiji Challenges and Perspectives of “Rainbow Families“ in Serbia Full text: https://doi.org/10.2298/TEM2001057M |
Konstantinos I. Panagos: | Victim’s Interests and the Role of Probation Officers in Victim-offender Mediation: Theoretical Analysis and the Greek Juvenile Justice System Interesi žrtve i uloga probacijskog službenika u procesu posredovanja između žrtve i učinioca: Teorijska analiza i sistem maloletničkog pravosuđa u Grčkoj Full text: https://doi.org/10.2298/TEM2001079P |
Anamaria Drožđan-Kranjčec, Maja Mamula: | Unapređenje sustava pomoći i podrške žrtvama i svjedocima/kinjama kaznenih djela – Uloga organizacija civilnog društva u Hrvatskoj Advancement of the Assistance and Support System for Victims and Witnesses of Criminal Offences – The Role of Civil Society Organizations in Croatia Full text: https://doi.org/10.2298/TEM2001107D |
Filip Mirić: | Novi pravni režim poklona iz zahvalnosti pacijenata zdravstvenim radnicima u Republici Srbiji New Legal Status of Patients’ Gratitude to Medical Workers Full text: https://doi.org/10.2298/TEM2001125M |
2019 – No 3 Invisible Victims: | |
Anabel I. Cerezo María Izco: | Young Foreign Women in Prison: A Case Study in Malaga Prison Full text: https://doi.org/10.2298/TEM1903235C |
Mirjana Dokmanović: | Invisible Victims of Non-ethical Reporting on Suicide in Serbia Full text: https://doi.org/10.2298/TEM1903263D |
Marta Tomić: | Women in the Police Profession and a Review of the Situation in the Serbian Police Full text: https://doi.org/10.2298/TEM1903289T |
Nikola Paunović: | Sexual Harassment – from Anti-discriminatory to Criminal Law Regulation with Reference to the Key Reasons for the Invisibility of the Victims Full text: https://doi.org/10.2298/TEM1903319P |
Kristina Jorgić Stepanović: | Invisible Victims of Induced Abortions in the Kingdom of Yugoslavia in the 1930s Full text: https://doi.org/10.2298/TEM1903345J |
2019 – No 2 Violence against Women: | |
Vesna Nikolić-Ristanović: | Violence against Women and Teaching at Higher Education Institutions in Serbia Full text: https://doi.org/10.2298/TEM1902129N |
Sanja Ćopić: | Development of Legislative Framework for the Protection of Women Victims of Violence in Serbia Full text: https://doi.org/10.2298/TEM1902143C |
Slađana Jovanović: | New Criminal Law Responses of the Republic of Serbia to Violence against Women Full text: https://doi.org/10.2298/TEM1902169J |
Tanja Ignjatović: | Violence against Women After Separation and Divorce of the Partners: Challenges in Assessments and Decisions on Protection Measures Full text: https://doi.org/10.2298/TEM1902189I |
Tamara Klikovac: | Partner Violence against Women with Malignancies Full text: https://doi.org/10.2298/TEM1902209K |
2019 – No 1 New and Old Forms of Victimization: Challenges for Victimology Theory and Practice: | |
Irma Kovčo Vukadin: | Ethical Questions in Children Sexual Victimization Research Full text: https://doi.org/10.2298/TEM1901003K |
Natalija Perišić: | Domestic Violence against Immigrant Women in Transit – The Case of Serbia Full text: https://doi.org/10.2298/TEM1901039P |
Vida Vilić: | Revenge Porn as a Form of Cyber Misogyny Full text: https://doi.org/10.2298/TEM1901059V |
Nataša Tanjević: | Prevention of Torture of Persons Deprived of their Liberty in Serbia: State and Challenges Full text: https://doi.org/10.2298/TEM1901079T |
2018 – No 3 Eldery People as Crime Victims: | |
Amanda Phelan | The Elder Abuse Suspicion Index: Results of a Pilot Study Full text: https://doi.org/10.2298/TEM1803325P |
Marta Sjeničić Zoran Vesić: | Elderly Abuse: Research and Prevention Full text: https://doi.org/10.2298/TEM1803345S |
Katarina Risović Silvia Rusac Nataša Todorović: | Risk Factors Associated with Violence against Elderly in a Family Setting Full text: https://doi.org/10.2298/TEM1803363R |
OTHER ISSUE ARTICLES Sanja Ćopić | Raising Awareness of Prisoners about Restorative Justice and Victims: An Example of the Program Implemented in the Women’s Prison in Serbia Full text: https://doi.org/10.2298/TEM1803385C |
Emina Borjanić Bolić: | Addressing Vicarious Trauma at Child Welfare Professionals Full text: https://doi.org/10.2298/TEM1803411B |
2017 – No 3 Victims and the media: | |
Nina Mihaljinac: | Victimization as a Strategy of the Artistic Representation of the Past: The Case of the NATO Bombing of the FRY Full text: https://doi.org/10.2298/TEM1703339M |
Olivera Pavićević Aleksandra Bulatović: | The Relevance of the Social Context for Media Coverage of Victims Full text: https://doi.org/10.2298/TEM1703357P |
Sarah Simons: | The Media: Minimizing Re-Victimisation through Duty of Care for Victims and Responsible Journalism Full text: https://doi.org/10.2298/TEM1703377S |
Jelena Jemuović: | Normative Framework of Media Reporting on Victims of Crime in the Republic of Serbia Full text: https://doi.org/10.2298/TEM1703395J |
OTHER ISSUE ARTICLES Danijela Spasić | Femicide in Partnership Relations Full text: https://doi.org/10.2298/TEM1703411S |
Lorenn Walker | The Power of Restorative Apologies (Real and Imagined) for Victims and Offenders Full text: https://doi.org/10.2298/TEM1703435W |
2016 – No 2 Contribution of Nils Christie to Victimology Victims of terrorism: | |
Vesna Nikolić-Ristanović Sanja Ćopić Ruth Jamieson: | In Memory of Nils Christie: An Outstanding Criminologist, Free Thinker and Generous Man |
Ezzat Fattah: | Victimology’s Debt to Nils Christie: The Outlasting Legacy of a Free Thinker |
Sandra Walkate: | Nils Christie: On the Periphery But in the Centre |
Antony Pemberton: | Dangerous Victimology: My Lessons Learned from Nils Christie |
Nataša Mrvić Petrović | How to Effectively Compensate a Victim of Terrorism: Comparison of Serbian and Israel Solutions |
Marian Liebmann: | Restorative Justice Training in Intercultural Settings in Serbia, and the Contribution of the Arts |
Ivana Kronja: | “Social horror”: A Critical Analysis of Ideological and Poetic Function of the Motive of Victim in the Contemporary Serbian Film |
2015 – No 1 Victims and contemporary responses to crime:between protection and misuse: | |
Marc Groenhuijsen: | Protection of Crime Victims by Legal Means: International and European Law and Policy |
Nevena Petrušić Slobodanka Konstantinović Vilić Natalija Žunić: | Institutional Sexism: An Obstacle to an Effective Protection Against Domestic Violence |
Vesna Jarić: | Contribution of United Nations in Serbia to Protection of Women Survivors of Violence in Family and in Intimate Partner Relationships: From International Law to Practice |
Zorica Mršević: | Fans and Sport Events‘ Audiences as Victims of Violence Induced by Sport |
Danica Vasiljević-Prodanović: | Corruption in Health Care: Victims of White Coat Crime in Serbia |
Filip Mirić: | Language of Disability as a Factor of Discrimination of Persons with Disabilities |
Nikica Hamer Vidmar | Experience in Working with Volunteers as Providers of Support to Victims and Witnesses in Victim and Witness Support Departments at the Courts |
2015 – No 2 Secondary Victimisation and Victim Support: | |
Goran Bašić: | Ideal Victim and Competition for Victimhood in the Stories of the Survivors of the War in Bosnia and Herzegovina |
Vesna Nikolić-Ristanović Sanja Ćopić Nikola M. Petrović Bejan Šaćiri: | Victimization and Justice in Intercultural Context in Serbia |
Mirjana Dokmanović: | Hate Crimes Recording: Recommendations of the International Bodies and Their Significance to Serbia |
Nikica Hamer Vidmar Martina Bajto Danijela Ivanović Maida Pamuković Ana Ruševljan: | Informing Victims about the Release of Perpetrators from Serving Their Prison Sentence in the Republic of Croatia |
Siniša Dostić | GRETA Questionnaires as a Part of the Mechanism for Monitoring Implementation of the Council of Europe Convention on Action against Trafficking in Human Beings |
Janice Joseph: | Sexual Harassment in Tertiary Institutions: A Comparative Perspective |
Marija R. Marković: | Possibilities for Teacher’s Preventive Actions in Regard Bullying Behavior of Students |
2014 – No 3 Victims of Sexual Violence: | |
Vibha Hetu: | Reflections on the Society’s Reaction towards Rape Victims in Delhi City |
Deborah F. Hellmann: | Victims of Sexual Abuse by Catholic Clerics and Their Needs for Compensation |
Ksenija Kričković Pele Kosana Beker: | Gender and Social Controversies of In Vitro Fertilization in Serbia – Discrimination against Childless Women |
Dragana Stojanović: | Femininity in the Field of Abjection: the Analysis of the Position of the Female Subject in the Phallogocentric Framework of Language and Writing |
Edit Törzs: | Restorative Justice Approaches in Intercultural Conflict Settings – Findings of a Survey and Implications for Practice |
2014 – No 4 Invisible Victims: | |
Stephanie Fohring: | Putting a Face on the Dark Figure: Describing Victims Who Don’t Report Crime |
Saša Mijalković Vladimir Cvetković: | Victimization of People by Natural Disasters: Spatial and Temporal Distribution of Consequences |
Martine Hébert Tinneke Van Camp Francine Lavoie Martin Blais Mireille Guerrier: | Understanding the Hesitancy to Disclose Teen Dating Violence: Correlates of Self-efficacy to Deal with Teen Dating Violence |
Tatjana Đurić Kuzmanović: | Hypocrites of Old or Water Carriers of New Era and Their Invisible Victims – Rethinking Corporate Social Responsibility |
Susanna Vezzadini: | Being (Almost) Invisible: Victims of Crime in the Italian Juvenile Criminal Justice System |
Pamela Kerschke-Risch: | The Aflatoxin-Affair: The Invisible Victims of Crime in the Food-Sector |
2013 – No 1 Victims and contemporary social context: theory, practice, and activism: | |
Nadia Wager: | The experience and insight of survivors who have engaged in a restorative justice meeting with their assailant |
Marissabell Škorić: | Sex and Gender Characteristics in the Criminal Code of the Republic of Croatia with special reference to the criminal offences of rape and domestic violence |
Axelle Reiter: | Victims of ’private’ crimes and application of human rights in interpersonal relations |
Zorica Mršević: | Victims of peer violence |
Ivana Stevanović: | Children involved in the life and work on the streets as victims of exploitation and abuse |
Ana Batričević: | Environmental criminal offences – victimless crimes? |
Nataša Tanjević, Filip Mirić: | Suppression of discrimination against people with disabilities an the field of labor and employment – situation and prospects |
Vida Vilić: | Cyberstalking victimization |
2013 – No 2 Victimization of persons with mental difficulties: | |
Paolo Serra: | Martyrs of the psychiatric hospitals |
Aleksandar Dimitrijević, Anja Živković, Maša Božović: | Substance abuse as a cause of violence in persons diagnosed with shizophrenia |
Nikola M. Petrović, Bejan Šaćiri: | History of the treatment of persons with psychological difficulties in Serbia and the abuse of their civil rights |
Mia Popić, Snežana Antičević: | Stigmatization towards persons with mental and intellectual difficulties |
Zorica Mršević: | Transsexuals and families – between discrimination and inclusion |
Nataša Hanak, Lazar Tenjović, Veronika Išpanović-Radojković, Ana Vlajković, Mirjana Beara: | Epidemiological research of violenxce against children in families in Serbia |
Nikola Petković, Zoran Pavlović, Ljiljana Stevković: | The attitudes of professionals towards implementation of the registry of offenders of sexual abuse of juveniles |
Karolina Lendák-Kabók: | Women in parliaments in the Republic of Serbia |
Melanija Jančić: | Freedom of peaceful assembly and prohibition of discrimination on the basic of sexual orientation |
2013 – No3-4 Victimization and Offending Overlap – Intercultural contexts and victimization: | |
Ljiljana Stevković: | When a victim becomes violent perpetrator – violent victimization in childhood, violent criminal behavior in adulthood |
Vesna Nikolić-Ristanović, Bejan Šaćiri: | Dealing with interethnic conflicts by civil society in Serbia: activities and discourse |
Sanja Ćopić: | Activities and the discourse of the state agencies and institutions in Serbia in dealing with interethnic conflicts |
Héra Gábor: | Roma and non-Roma conflicts in the light of power relations |
Vesna Nikolić-Ristanović, Una Radovanović, Milica Popović: | The Kosovo Memory Book as an example of the recording of war victimisation: methodology and importance for establishing the facts about the past, collective memory and reconciliation |
Mirjana Vuksanović: | The consequences of mobbing and possibilities of their measurement |
Marijana Šuleić: | Gender implications of illiteracy: dimension of illiteracy and it’s victims |
Gordana Marčetić Radunović, Jasna Hrnčić, Nevenka Žegarac: | Psychometric Characteristics of the Scale for Assessment of the Risk of Children and Juveniles for Conflict with the Law |
2012 – No 1 Victims of crime and war: international and national context: | |
Vesna Nikolić-Ristanović: | Different understandings of the notion of victim and their consequences on the social attitude towards victimization |
Nataša Mrvić-Petrović: | Crime victims’ right to compensation |
Michael Humphrey: | Victims, Civil Society and Transistional Justice in Bosnia and Herzegovina |
Estela Valverde: | Constructing victimhood in post-Franco’s Spain: the recovery of memory by the grandchildren of victims of the Civil War and dictatorship |
Geoffroy Lorin de la Grandmaison: | International Criminal tribunal for the former Yugoslavia (ICTY), the forensic pathologist and ethics |
Zorica Mršević: | Media approach to gender-based violence |
Oliver Bačanović, Nataša Jovanova: | Victimological aspects of judicial verdicts |
Milanko Čabarkapa: | Stress and psychological trauma in the workplace and the right to compensation for non-material damage |
Axelle Reiter: | Victims’ rights, international wrongs, and restorative justice: How to square the circle of accountability and redress for international crimes? |
Dragan Obradović: | Protection of victims and goods in the criminal offences against road traffic safety from the aspect of the environment’s protection |
Michelle Veljanovska: | The consequences of judicial obligations as a politics of transition in post-war Serbia, Bosnia and hercegovina and Croatia |
Nikola Petrović, Bejan Šaćiri, Tamara Kljajić: | Victims of bad psychotherapeutic practice |
Filip Mirić: | Legal protection of elderly persons and risk of their victimization by criminal acts with elements of domestic violence |
Dane Subošić, Saša Mijalković: | Contribution of the police negotiating team to the protection of human rights in specific security situations |
2012 – No 2 United Nations and the global challenges of crime: | |
Eduardo Vetere: | In honor and tribute to Dušan Cotič- Last chairman of the glorious United Nations Committee on crime and prevention & control |
Matti Joutsen: | Dušan Cotič and the European Institute: Bridging the Gap |
Anna Alvazzi del Frate: | Across the borders in search of best practices: International comparative criminology at the UN |
Michael Platzer, Brad Popović: | Dušan Cotič- friend, mentor, scholar, and the man of action |
Slawomir Redo: | From the Universal to the Particular through intercultural United Nations crime prevention law and practice |
Dimitri Vlassis: | The United Natins convention against corruption: a successful example of international action against economic crime |
Victimology: theory, practice, activism: | |
Jo-Anne Wemmers: | Victims’ rights are human rights: The importance of recognizing victims as persons |
Kauko Aromaa: | Victimisation surveys- what are they good for? |
Ljubo Bavcon: | Human freedom and/or safety |
Momčilo Grubač: | Procedural and legal status of the injured party according to the new Criminal Procedure Code of the Republic of Serbia |
Alenka Šelih: | Victimological research in Slovenia |
Oliver Bačanović: | The development of victimology in Macedonia |
Vesna Nikolić-Ristanović: | Development of Victimology in Serbia |
Natti Ronel, Tyra Ya’ara Toren: | Positive Victimology- An innovation or “more of the same”? |
Gerd Ferdinand Kirchhoff, Nazia Khan: | Limits to Tolerance: Tribal Social Order versus Human Rights |
Sanja Ćopić: | Development of the contemporary concept of restorative justice: towards increased visibility of crime victims |
2012 – No3 Crime data recording and victims: | |
Vesna Nikolić-Ristanović: | German experiences in documenting and presenting information about past crimes to the public |
Saša Mijalković: | Current methodology of recording violent crime in the records of the Ministry of Interior of the Republic of Serbia |
Ivana Stevanović: | Steps towards improving the system of records, collection and monitoring of data relevant to statistics within the system of juvenile justice in the Republic of Serbia |
Danica Vasiljević-Prodanović: | Concentration of crime as a measure of repeat victimization |
Liljana Stevković: | Place of the victims in records of violence against children |
Nataša Rajić: | The normative framework of the protection of personal data in the field of (bio)medicine |
Vladislava Gordić Petković: | Gender roles and gender stereotypes in teaching literature |
Aleksandar Radovanović: | War Brought Home: Post-Traumatic Stress Disorder in the Post-Vietnam America through the Documentary Form of Emily Mann’s play Still Life |
Antonela Arhin: | Conceptualizing Child Labour Trafficking and Exploitation: The Case of Roma Children in Montenegro |
Bajo Cmiljanić: | Taking of hostages as an offence in international law and Serbian regulations |
2012 – No 4 Women and prison: | |
An Nuytiens, Jenneke Christiaens: | Female Offenders’ Pathways to Prison in Belgium |
Sanja Ćopić, Bejan Šaćiri: | Women in prison in Serbia: living conditions for female prisoners in the Correctional Institution for Women in Požarevac |
Sanja Ćopić, Ljiljana Stevković, Bejan Šaćiri: | The treatment and the realization of the female prisoners’ rights in the Correctional Institution for Women in Požarevac |
Milica Kovačević: | Women in the penal system according to the Bangkok Rules |
Una Radovanović, Milica Popović: | Homosexual relationships in women’s prisons: deviation or deprivation? |
Jasmina Nikolić, Mirjana Tripković: | Support for women in prison: Analysis of the VDS info and victim support service in 2011 |
Dragana Batić: | Resilience of refugee families |
Nataša Tanjević: | Society as a victim of corruption: Political corruption in Serbia as an obstacle on the road to membership in the European Union |
Zoran Kesić: | Race and ethnicity as a victimogenic predisposition of exceeding and abuse of police authority |
Jelena Stefanović, Snežana Vidanović, Dušan Todorović: | Sex roles and attitudes toward gender roles of people within higher education |
Marta Tomić: | The integration of women and the effects of the “glass ceiling” in the police profession |
2011 – No 1 Victims and restorative justice: | |
Ivo Aertsen, Daniela Bolívar, Vicky de Mesmaecker, Nathalie Lauwers: | Restorative justice and the active victim: exploring the concept of empowerment |
Borbála Fellegi: | Building and toning: An analysis of the institutionalisation of mediation in penal matters in Hungary |
Emir Ćorović: | Settlement between the offender and the victim according to the Criminal Code of Serbia |
Brunilda Pali, Karin Sten Madsen: | Dangerous Liaisons?: A Feminist and Restorative Approach to Sexual Assault |
Ana Pajvančić-Cizelj: | Gender and development |
2011 – No 2 Society as a victim: | |
Dragana Batić, Iskra Akimovska-Maletić: | Gender regimes and the challenges of macroeconomic paradigm in Serbia in the light of the global financial crisis |
Rajko Macura, Slavoljub Vujović, Đuro Mikić: | Society as a victim of bearers of economic and political power |
Nikolina Grbić-Pavlović: | The prohibition of financing of terrorism in the light of international law and regulations of the Republic of Serbia |
Ana Batričević: | Society as a crime victim of legal entities |
Filip Mirić: | Support for victims of crime: analysis of the VDS info and victim support service in 2010 |
2011 – No3 Children: perpetrators of violence, victims, observers: | |
Vesna Nikolić-Ristanović: | Protection of children of divorced parents who are victims of emotional abuse |
Saša Mijalković: | Psycho-social impacts of virtual communication |
Ivana Stevanović: | Penalty responsibility of juveniles in the Republic of Srpska |
Danica Vasiljević-Prodanović: | Children and animal abuse- criminological, victimological and criminal justice aspects |
Liljana Stevković: | Components of emotions in the personality structure of juveniles with delinquent behavior |
2011 – No 4 Hate crimes: | |
Theo Gavrielides: | Restorative practices & hate crime: Opening up the debate |
Jovan Ćirić: | Hate crimes- American and Balkan experience |
Milena Tripković: | Expansion of hate: Essential features of mass hate crimes |
Milica Kovačević: | Hate crimes and normative regulation |
Vesna Madžarac, Jelena Vukotić: | Bibliography of the journal Temida (1998-2010) |
2010 – No 1 Reconciliation: | |
Michael Humphrey: | The politics of trauma and reconciliation |
Stephan Parmentier, Marta Valiñas, Elmar Weitekamp: | Restoring justice in Serbia- Reconciliation and restorative justice in post-war context |
Vesna Nikolić-Ristanović, Jelena Srna: | Reconciliation with oneself and with others- From approach to model |
Nikola M. Petrović: | Research about the most adequate forms of remembering the past and ways of establishing trust in the former Yugoslavia |
Novica Kostić: | War veterans as peace builders |
2010 – No 2 Victims of discrimination: | |
Sanja Dimoski: | Historical approach to the treatment of people with disability as an indicator of their social positioning |
Marta Tomić: | Women, professorship and unequal opportunities |
Jelena Dimitrijević: | Violence against women with disabilities |
Jasmina Nikolić, Vesna Nikolić-Ristanović, Nikola M. Petrović: | Available services, capacity to help victims of domestic violence in Vojvodina and the awareness and satisfaction of women with these services |
Tanja Ignjatović: | Indicators for the assessment of professional response in situations of partner violence |
Jelena Srnić: | Students’ Articles: Abuse of the elderly |
2010 – No3 Restorative justice between theory and practice: | |
Oliver Bačanović: | Restorative justice in Macedonian criminal legislation and difficulties in its implementation |
Vera Despotović-Stanarević, Tamara Džamonja- Ignjatović: | Possibilities and restrictions of the implementation of mediation in domestic violence cases |
Vesna Stefanovska: | Police restorative approach in the juvenile justice system |
Danica Vasiljević-Prodanović: | Restorative justice within the criminal justice system |
Tatjana Đurić-Kuzmanović: | Regulation vs. reality in Serbia- Gender equality, economy and state |
Vesna Baltezarević, Radoslav Baltezarević: | Corporate submissiveness |
Danica Radaković: | Victims of crime, with special emphasis on victims of work abuse and domestic violence- analysis of the Service VDS info and victim support for 2009 |
2010 – No 4 Violence against children: | |
Jelena Srna, Ivana Stevanović: | The problem of corporal punishment of children and role of experts in its solving |
Nataša Tanjević: | Legal protection of child victims of sexual violence in Serbia |
Ivana Stevanović, Jelena Srna: | Elimination of corporal punishment of children as a human right |
Nada Banjanin-Đuričić: | Pupils have rights too |
Nikola Petković, Mirjana Đorđević, Vasilije Balos: | Public attitudes toward the phenomenon of child sexual abuse in Serbia |
2009 – No 1 Structural victimization: | |
Dina Siegel: | Human trafficking and legalized prostitution in the Netherlands |
Velibor Lalić, Želimir Kešetović: | Anthropology of sexual exploitation |
Ljiljana Stevković: | Trafficking in human organs |
Zorica Mršević: | Different families, same love- challenges of the 2008 |
2009 – No 2 Mobbing: | |
Vesna Baltezarević: | Business communication and mobbing |
Mirjana Tripković: | Psychological abuse in the work place: the analysis of the VDS info and victim support service’s work in 2008 |
Tanja Ignjatović: | Professionals’ conduct as a condition for minimizing secondary victimization of the victims of domestic partnership violence |
Jelena Perišić: | Pretrial detention and alternate methods of securing the presence of the accused during the criminal procedure |
2009 – No3 Cyber victimization: | |
Debarati Halder, Karuppannan Jaishankar: | Cyber Socializing and Victimization of Women |
Ivana Stevanović: | Criminal acts related to the exploitation of child pornography through abuse of computer systems and networks (international and domestic criminal legislation framework) |
Branislava Popović-Ćitić: | Cyber space bullying |
Dejan Vuletić: | Human organ trafficking in the cyber space |
Nikola M. Petrović: | Attitudes of youth towards cyber vandalism |
Marina Kovačević-Lepojević, Borko Lepojević: | Victims of cyberstalking in Serbia |
2009 – No 4 Victimless crime: | |
Mirjana Dokmanović: | Corruption as a „white-collar crime”- international legal instruments on public accountability of public officials |
Petrus van Duyne, Elena Stocco, Miroslava Milenović: | Corruption in Serbia: uique or a shared Balkan disease? |
Nada Polovina, Ivana Đerić: | Parental education and exposure of female and male students to bulling in school environment |
Vesna Baltezarević: | Social group and mobbing |
Milica Kovačević: | Hate crimes |
2008 – No 1 Legal protection of victims: | |
Ivanka Marković: | Legal protection of victims of domestic violence in Republica Srpska |
Oliver Bačanović: | Legal protection of victims under Criminal law in the Republic of Macedonia |
Katja Filipčić: | The position of crime victims in legislation of the republic of Slovenia |
Hidemichi Morosawa: | Toward Establishing basic Rights of Victims in Japan |
2008 – No 2 Stigmatizion: | |
Aleksandar Jugović: | Stigmatization as a social process |
Sanja Milivojević, Sharon Pickering: | Football and sex: the 2006 FIFA Worl Cup and sex trafficking |
Ivana Stevanović: | Protection of the child right to privacy in a criminal procedure and media reporting |
2008 – No3 Special Issue: Gender, education and human rights: | |
Nevena Petrušić, Slobodanka Konstantinović-Vilić, Natalija Žunić: | Legal clinic- gender sensitive teaching method for law students |
Danijela Gavrilović: | Education and training as prerequisites for overcoming the difficulties in the implementation of ethical and legal norms concerning gender equality in a social environment |
Danijela Spasić: | The place of women in police education: the situation and perspective of women’s human rights |
Kumaravelu Chockalingam, Murugesan Srinivasan: | Perception of Victim Treatment by Police and Courts: A Study among University Students in India and Japan |
Marina Kovačević-Lepojević, Danica Radaković: | VDS info and victim support service- the analysis of the Service’s work in 2007 |
Ivana Vučković: | Students Articles: Victims of gender-based violence and their legal protection in Serbia: in relation to men’s violence against women |
2007 – No 1 Restorative justice and victims’ rights: | |
Miomira Kostic, PhD: | Setting Standards of Restorative Justice |
Dragan Jovašević, PhD: | New solutions in the juvenile criminal law in the light of the restorative justice |
Sanja Ćopić, LL.M: | Term and basic principles of restorative justice |
Miladinović Dušica: | Pardon in the light of Restorative Justice |
Snežana Savić: | Restorative justice and the Law on juvenile offenders and criminal protection of juveniles of the Republic of Serbia from the perspective of judicial practice |
2007 – No 2 Victim assistance and support: | |
Vesna Nikolić-Ristanović, PhD: | Development of services for crime victims in Serbia |
Sanja Ćopić, LL.M: | Victim support services in Serbia: survey results |
Jasmina Nikolić: | Services for children and specialized organization for disabled persons and Roma in Belgrade |
Marina Kovačević: | VDS info and victim support service – the analysis of the Service’s work |
Murugesan Srinivasan Jane Eyre Matehew: | Victims and the Criminal Justice System in India: Need for a Paradigm |
2007 – No 3 Mental disorders and victimization: | |
Zoran ĆIRIĆ, PhD: | Victimisation of psychiatric patients |
Zoran RADIVOJEVIĆ, PhD Nebojša RAIČEVIĆ, LL.M: | International protection of persons with mental disabilities |
Nevena PETRUŠIĆ, PhD: | The procedure of involuntary hospitalization of persons with mental disorder in light of the human rights protection standards |
Nataša MRVIĆ-PETROVIĆ, PhD: | Position of persons with mental disorders in penal law |
Goran OBRADOVIĆ, PhD: | The right to equal treatment in employment of persons with mental disorders |
Zorica MRŠEVIĆ, PhD: | Gender equality and equal opportunity mechanisms in Italy |
2007 – No 4 Victims of harassment: | |
Vesna Nikolić-Ristanović, PhD Marina Kovačević-Lepojević: | Stalking: notion, characteristics and social responses |
Dr.K.Jaishankar: | Cyber stalking |
Branislava TANASKOVIĆ Milena RAČETA: | Survey on sexual harassment in public transportation in Belgrade |
Mirjana TEJIĆ: | Responsibility of Serbia for genocide – application of the Convention on the Prevention and Punishment of the Crime of Genocide |
Danijela SPASIĆ: | Depression as a cause and consequence of victimization |
Nebojša MACANOVIĆ: | Role and importance of formal system in prison |
2006 – No1 Alternative sanctions: | |
Nils Christie, PhD: | Answers to losses |
Antony Pemberton, M.A. Frans W. Winkel, PhD and LLM Mark S. Groenhuijsen, PhD and LLM: | Restorative justice and victims: not a self-evident relationship |
Ljudmila Alpern: | Mediation as a source of social development |
Monika Platek, PhD: | Obstacles to introduce Restorative Justice procedures and ways to overcome them from the experience of Polish Juridical Practice |
Alenka Šelih, PhD: | Alternative sanctions and meausres in the criminal justice system of Slovenia |
Božica Cvjetko: | lternatives to criminal procedure against juvenile and young adult offenders and alternative to criminal procedure in the cases of domestic violence |
Nataša Mrvić-Petrović, PhD: | Alternative sanctions and new legislation in the Republic of Serbia |
Ivana Stevanović, M.A.: | New legislation on juveniles: importance of alternatives to institutional treatment (in the light of the offender’s eintegration and victim’s empowerment) |
VesnaNikolić-Ristanović, PhD | The position of victims in Serbia: criminal procedure and possibilities of restorative justice |
2006 – No 2 Institutions and victims: | |
Vesna Nikolić-Ristanović, Ph.D. Marina Kovačević Sanja Ćopić, M.A.: | Victimization and experience of crime victims with state institutions – the analysis of VDS info and victim support service’s data |
Saša Mijalković, MA: | Possibilities of collecting evidence about crime act of sexual exploatation in human beings |
Jelena Grujic: | War veterans: factor of instability or factor of peace (building) |
2006 – No 3 Health and victims: | |
Ruth Jamieson, MA Dr Adrian Grounds: | Release and Adjustment after Long-term Imprisonment: Perspectives from Studies of Wrongly Convicted and Politically Motivated Prisoners |
Bosiljka Đikanović: | Victims and health – health consequences of violence against women |
Ljiljana Stevković: | Gender equality and equal opportunity mechanisms in Italy |
2006 – No 4 Viktimization on the Workplace: | |
Drenka Vuković, Phd: | Mobbing on the Workplace |
Andreja Kostelić Martić, M.Sc.: | Mobbing prevention and types of assistance to the victims |
Slađana Jovanović, MA Biljana Simeunović-Patić, MA: | Protection against sexual harassment at work in the EU Law |
Ljiljana Dobrosavljević-Grujić: | Discrimination of women on work place – relation to maternity, disability and women’s health |
Jelena Srna, Phd. Lazar Tenjović, Phd.: | Myths about violence among judiciary professionals |
Vesna Nikolić-Ristanović, PhD | Association Joint action FOR truth and reconciliation: activities in 2006 and plans for the future |
2005 – No1 Domestic violence: | |
Slobodanka Konstantinović-Vilić,PhD Nevena Petrušić,PhD: | Police Response to Domestiv Violence-theretical framework and foreign exeperiences |
Danka Radulović,PhD: | Charateristics and conseqences of psychopatic domestic violence |
Vesna Miletić-Stepanović,M.A.: | Violence against woman as the risk for social transformation |
Saša Mijalković,MA: | The forms trafficking in human beigns |
Miomira Kostić,PhD | Work with refugees-Special experience from the work with eldery people |
2005 – No 2 Victims and legal system: | |
Gordana Lažetić-Bužarovska,Ph.D: | New Macedonian legislation which improves the position of injured party International Standards and Domestic Violence |
Vesna Nikolić-Ristanović,PhD Mirjana Dokmanović,MA: | Protection of juveniles-victims of abuse and neglect in Serbia |
Ivana Stevanović: | Building a Forward-Looking Agenda for Transitional Justice in South Africa |
2005 – No3 Children victimes: | |
Nevenka Žegarac,PhD: | Child protection from trafficking in humans |
Rokas Uscila,PhD: | Research on children abuse in Lithuania and its importance for prevention juvenile crime |
Sandra Sinobad: | Characterististics of peer violence in schools |
UNICEF BiH: | Save the Children Norway |
2005 – No 4 Victimes and media: | |
Vesna Nikolić-Ristanović,PhD: | Trafficing in people in Serbia: between moral panic and social strategy |
Jelena Grujić: | Serbian press about refugees: 1990.-2005. |
Nataša Mrvić-Petrović.PhD: | Media reporting and respect of human rights in criminal procedure |
Nils Christie,PhD: | Restorative and retributive justice in context of war and war crimes |
Vesna Nikolić-Ristanović,PhD Nataša Hanak,MA: | Association Joint action FOR truth and reconciliation:coordination of civil society initiatives and increasing of sotial visibility of Thitd way toward facing the past |
Marco Palmieri: | The European Integration in Criminal Field The Europian Arrest Warrant |
2004 – No1 Victims and organized crime: | |
Nataša Mrvić-Petrović: | The difficulties of determining the notion of organized crime |
Vesna Nikolić-Ristanović: | Social construction of victims blame, with special emphasis on criminal procedure against accused for the assassination of Zoran Đinđić, the prime minister of Serbia |
Milan Škulić, PhD: | One view on the position of crime victim in criminal procedure for organized crime |
Philippe CHASSAGNE Kole GJELOSHAJ: | Violence and exploitation of young women: mobility and strenghtening of networks of Albanian prostitution |
Ivana Vidaković: | The role of health care services in assisting victims of crime |
Đorđe Alempijević M.D., Mr.Sci Slobodan Savić M.D., Ph.D., Dragan Ječmenica M.D., Ph.D., Branimir Aleksandrić M.D., Ph.D.: | Clinical Forensic Medicine Exzamination of Trafficked Victims |
Olivera Simonov: | The position of victims and their legal representation in criminal procedures related to trafficking in people |
Branislava Knežić,PhD: | From definition to the operacionalization,with emphasis on the research on violence |
2004 – No 2 Marginals groups and victimization: | |
Miomira Kostić,PhD Radmila Đorđević: | Victimization of old people as members of special marginal group |
Laura Prescott: | Veterans in an Unnamed War:Hidden Abuse,Truth-telling, Resistance and Recovery |
Zorica Mrsevic,PhD: | Parametars of social egsistence and social functioning of lesbians-lesbian body in processes of social interactions |
Nevena Petrušić,PhD: | Mediaton as a method of solving legal disputes |
2004 – No3 Victim support services: | |
Peter Dunn: | Developing support service for victims of hate crime |
Ilse Vande Walle: | Supporting children-victims of crime,within victim support |
Sanja Ćopić,M.A. Jasmina Nikolić: | Service for victims of crime VDS info and victims’ support:analysis of the previous work |
Ljiljana Dobrosavljević-Grujić,PhD: | SOS hotline for women victims of discrimination at the workplace |
Nadežda Ljubojev,PhD: | The notion and consequences of emotion abuse of a child in the family |
Suzana Ivanović: | Social identity of young women from countryside:The example of the village Dudovica-case study |
2004 – No 4 War crime and colective remembering: | |
Alma Mašić: | Prospective of Bosnia and Herzegovina |
Goran Božičević: | Positive steps turning into a process |
Vesna Nikolić-Ristanović,PhD: | Truth and reconciliation in Serbia |
Gjylbehare Murati: | The process of healing war wounds in Kosova/o |
Brandon Hamber: | Coming to terms with the conflict in and about Northern Ireland:Lessons from the Healing Through Remembring Project |
Adnan Hasanbegović: | Facing the past and peace building |
Vera Kelava: | The contribution of the Youth Communication Centre (YCC) to the peace building process in the area of Bosnia and Herzegovina and the region |
Nada Golubović: | Experiences in the reconcillation process-Period 1996-2004 |
Nataša Hanak,MA: | Project From remembering the past toward a positive future:what kind of model of truth abb trust/reconciliation does Serbia need? |
Marija Gajicki: | New experience in the process of facing the past |
Vladan Beara Dr Predrag Miljanović Boris Popov: | Why helping war veterans,at all? |
Zdravko Marjanović: | There is no solution without national strategy about truth and reconciliation |
Bojana Kostadinović: | Acttivities of NGO Initiatives in the field of truth and reconciliation |
Danilo Rakić: | The overview of the status and prospective of internally displaced persons on the territory of the former Yugoslavia |
Dragan Aćimović: | Some thouthts about remembering the past as the foundation of peace building |
Tijana Milošević: | Melting the ice-Project of students of American University in Bulgaria |
Nikola Perušić: | Atrocities in Vojvodina |
Nenad Đurđević: | Steps toward the establishment of dialogue in Kosovo-experiences of the Center for non-violent resistance |
Martin Snoddon: | Healing the Memories |
Marian Liebmann: | Picturing truth and reconcilation |
2003 – No1 Protection of victims and witnesses: | |
Vesna Nikolić-Ristanović PhD: | Victim support and prevention of secondary victimisation: contemporary legal solutions and practic |
Slobodan Savić PhD,Đorđe Alimpijević MA: | Legislation regarding social protection of children and youth in Sweden with particular emphasis on protection from abuse and neglect |
Sanja Ćopić MA: | Crime Victims in Criminal Justice System |
Sanja Milivojević MA, Biljana Mihić: | Non-governmental organizations assisting victims of crime in Belgrade – survey results |
Ivana Vidaković: | The role of health care services in assisting victims of crime |
Jasmina Nikolić: | City Center for Social Work – Belgrade and assistance for victims of crime |
2003 – No 2 Criminal offence domestic violence: | |
Vesna Nikolić-Ristanović, PhD: | Family violence offence in a social contex and legal system of Serbia and Montenegro |
Nataša Mrvić-Petrović, PhD: | The need for change in administrative law from the aspect of prevention of domestic violence |
Sanja Ćopić, MA: | Violence in Countries of the Former Yugoslavia: review of the most important results of the surveys |
Slobodanka Konstantinović- Vilić, PhD, Nevena Petrušić, PhD: | Criminal Offence Domestic Violence – legal practice in Niš area |
Jasmina Kiurski, MA: | Domestic violence |
Marija Anđelković: | Practice of the City Magistrates in Belgrade regarding domestic violence |
Ljiljana J. Simić: | Domestic violence is a crime |
Ivanka Marković, PhD: | Implementation of the Domestic Violence law in the Republica Srpska |
Radmila Sučević: | Legal regulation of domestic violence in Croatia |
Katie Zoglin: | Helpful tools for criminal prosecution in domestic violence cases: same ideas from the United States of America |
Sanja Milivojević, MA: | The response of the modern legal systems to domestic violence- comparative analysis of some of the european countries and New State USA |
2003 – No3 Penal theory and practices: | |
Nils Christie: | When is enought, enought? And what should the criminologist say? |
Branislava Knežić PhD, Slađana Jovanović, MA: | Robbery |
Slađana Jovanović, MA: | Possible changes in the legal concept of parole |
Nataša Veselinović: | Trauma as comon denomination of sexual violence and victimisation |
2003 – No 4 Victims and globalization: | |
Vesna Nikolić-Ristanović, PhD: | Illegal markets, human trade and transnational organised crime |
Mirjana Dokmanović, MA: | Economic globalisation and paradoxes |
Pam Alldred: | Thinking globally, acting locally: womwn activits’ accounts |
Biljana Simeunović- Patić, MA: | Homicides in erbia Within the Context of Social Transition and War |
Marija Anđelković: | Prostitution and (il)legal migration as possible hidden forms of trafficking in human beings – the analyses of the practice of the Magistrate Court in Belgrade |
2002 – No 1 Trafficking in people: | |
Vesna Nikolić-Ristanović PhD: | Trafficking in women in Serbia and neighboring countries:scope, characteristics and causes |
Nataša Mrvić-Petrović PhD: | Trafficking in human beings as a specific form of women’s migration |
Vesna Nikolić-Ristanović PhD, Sanja Ćopić MA: | Criminal offence of trafficking in human beings – international documents, contemporary solutions in national legislations and Criminal Code of Federal Republic of Yugoslavia |
2002 –No 2 Victim support services: | |
Milan Škulić PhD: | Possibilities for improvement of the position of victims of trafficking in people within criminal procedure |
Sanja Ćopić MA, Ivana Vidaković: | Victim support Services in England, Wales and Northern Ireland |
Sanja Milivojević: | Safe Horizont- Victim Support Service in New York |
Ivana Vidaković: | Crime victims ,emotional reactions and healing proces |
2002 – No3 The violence: | |
Biljana Simeunović-Patić MA: | Homicides Between Heterosexual Intimates: Criminological and Victimological Characteristics |
Albert Dearing Phd: | The Austrian Act on the Protection agains Domestic Violence |
Sanja Milivojević: | Mandatory arrest law in domestic violence cases and its implementation in New York City |
Ivana Stevanović MA: | Some issues of sexual violence agains children |
Biljana Mihić: | Domestic Violence agains Children |
2002 – No 4 Truth and reconciliation: | |
Ruth Jamieson, Keele University, UK: | Denial, Acknowledgement and Reconciliation |
Zoran Ilić PhD, Department for Stress, Institute for Mental Health, Belgrade, International Aid Network, Belgrade, Vesna Kesić, M.A: | Truth and reconciliation: Yes, please! No, thank you! |
Gerd Ferdinand Kirchoff, PhD From Denazification to Renazification: | Experiences in Postwar Germany and Victimological Point of View on Truth and Reconciliation |
Judith Armatta, J.D.: | Truth and Justice: The Challenge for Victims at the International Criminal Tribunal for the Former Yugoslavia |
Heidy Rombouts: | Truth and Reconciliation: should the kez notions be revised? Experience fron South-Africa and Rwanda |
David Wall: | Northern Ireland and Truth and reconciliation Healing throught Remembering; The Story so Far |
Vehid Šehić: | The Precoditions for Reconciliation |
Nebojša Petrović: | Psychological basis of the reconciliation process |
Biljana Bijelić: | Failed Catharsis After the Second World War |
Nada Golubović: | Truth and Reconciliation |
Dijana Đurić: | Psychosocial reconciliation in the former Yugoslavia |
Vesna Nikolić-Ristanović PhD: | Specifities of victimisation in Serbia and its importance for truth and reconciliation process |
Jelena Tošić MA: | Which model of truth and Reconciliation applies to former Yugoslavia? Some thoughts on the closing panel discussion |
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