2021 |
Illicit arms trade and violence committed with firearms in Europe: Analysis of the situation in Serbia |
In the period from September 1, 2020. until 31.3.2021. In 2008, the Victimological Society of Serbia conducted research within the framework of the project TARGET – Arms trade and its impact on violence committed with firearms in Europe, which was carried out by the Flemish Peace Institute (Belgium) and the Institute for Security and Global Affairs of Leiden University (Netherlands). aimed to determine the extent and nature of violence committed with firearms in Serbia and the characteristics of firearms used in cases of violence, to determine existing measures and practices related to the prevention of violence using firearms, combating the illicit arms trade and limiting the impact of the illicit arms trade on violence, and to develop proposals for collecting and recording data on the impact of the illicit arms trade on firearm violence in order to improve the collection of information on these issues. As a result of the project, a research report was written and published in: Ćopić, S., Dokmanović, M. (2022) A snapshot of illicit firearm-trafficking and gun violence in Serbia, in: Duquet, N. (ed.) Pulling the trigger: gun violence in Europe, Brussels: Flemish Peace Institute, ISBN: 9789464074192,https://vlaamsvredesinstituut.eu/wpcontent/uploads/2022/10/TARGET-7CountryReports-FPI-def.pdf. |
Evidence-based capacity building and support to the Groups for Coordination and Cooperation in response to domestic and other forms of gender-based violence |
In the period from July 21, 2020 to February 15, 2023, the Victimology Society of Serbia implemented a project called Evidence-based capacity building and support to the Groups for Coordination and Cooperation in response to domestic and other forms of gender-based violence. The project was part of the program Stopping Violence Against Women in the Western Balkans and Turkey: Applying norms, changing awareness, funded by the European Union and implemented by UN Women. The project consisted of two basic components. The first research is aimed at finding out about the work of groups for coordination and cooperation (made up of representatives of the main public prosecutor’s offices, the police and centers for social work) and the needs of the members of the groups to strengthen the capacity and improve the coordinated response in cases of domestic violence and other forms of gender-based violence. The findings of the research were the basis for designing the second component of the project, which was aimed at strengthening the capacity of coordination and cooperation groups to work with victims of gender-based violence, as well as for mapping the needs of victims and developing individual protection and support plans. As a result of the project it was written A guide to mapping the needs of victims, risk assessment and protection from domestic violence the goal is to provide guidelines to experts and victims for moving through the system of prevention and intervention related to domestic violence in Serbia. The guide is available at link. |
Sexual violence against students at the universities in Serbia: Raising awareness about sexual violence and developing innovative mechanisms of victim support |
In the period from July 1, 2020 to June 1, 2022, the Victimology Society of Serbia-VDS implemented a project called ,,Sexual violence against students at the universities in Serbia: Raising awareness about sexual violence and developing innovative mechanisms of victim support” The project was financed by the World Bank. For the implementation of this project, the Victimology Society of Serbia received an award for innovations in the prevention and response to gender-based violence, which is awarded by the Initiative for Research on Sexual Violence and the World Bank. As part of this project, a study of sexual violence against students at colleges in Serbia was conducted with the aim of examining the prevalence and characteristics of sexual violence at colleges in Serbia, as well as the existing mechanisms of support and prevention of sexual violence at colleges. A total of 1,597 male and female students from 22 faculties in Serbia participated in the research. Research results presented in the book “Sexual violence against students at faculties in Serbia; Nikolić-Ristanović, V., Ćopić, S. (2022). Belgrade: Victimology Society of Serbia”, which is available in electronic form on the VDS website at this link. |
2020 |
“The actions of competent institutions and services for the suppression of domestic violence in the Republic of Serbia during the Covid-19 epidemic, especially during the state of emergency“ |
The Victimological Society of Serbia, for the purposes of the project “SOS against Violence – Media campaign to reduce violence against women during and after the Covid-19 epidemic in Serbia”, conducted research aimed at finding out about the response of competent institutions and services to combat violence in the family in the Republic of Serbia during the Covid-19 epidemic and developing recommendations for the improvement of practical response policies in crisis situations that are based on the rights, needs and experience of victims. The project, in the period from October 2020 to June 2021, was implemented by the NGO Fenomena in partnership with the UN Agency for gender equality and women’s empowerment (UN Women). The results of the research are presented in a report available at the link. |
Illicit arms trade and violence committed with firearms in Europe: Analysis of the situation in Serbia September 1, 2020-March 31, 2021 |
The Victimology Society of Serbia-VDS is in the period from September 1, 2020. until 31.03.2021. carried a study that aimed to determine the scope and nature of violence committed with firearms in Serbia; characteristics of firearms used in cases of violence in Serbia; then, better understanding of possible measures and identification of best practice, i.e. to determine existing measures and practices related to the prevention of violence with the use of firearms, the fight against illegal arms trade and limiting the influence of illegal arms trade on violence; and to develop a proposal to collect and record data on the impact of the illicit arms trade on the perpetration of gun violence in order to improve the collection of information on these issues. The research results are available in English, “A snapshot of illicit firearm-trafficking and gun violence in Serbia”. The research was carried out as part of the project TARGET -– Trafficking in arms and its impact on gun violence in Europe is being implemented by the Flemish Peace Institute (Belgium) and Leiden University’s Institute of Security and Global Affairs (The Netherlands). It is a major international research project on gun violence in Europe and the illicit arms trade. It consists of an in-depth analysis of gun violence and the impact of illegal arms trade on violence in seven countries: Belgium, Estonia, the Netherlands, Poland, Serbia, Spain and Sweden. The project is financed by the General Directorate for Migration and Internal Affairs of the European Commission within the Internal Security Fund – Police 2019. More information about the project can be found at https://vlaamsvredesinstituut.eu/en/target/. |
2019 |
Research of attitudes of professionals in Serbia about gender equality and gender-based violence |
The Victimology Society of Serbia conducted the research which aimed at assessing the attitudes of professionals in state institutions, independent bodies and civil society organizations in Serbia about gender equality and gender-based violence, and collecting data on their experiences and challenges in dealing with victims of gender-based violence, especially Roma women and women in rural areas. The research was conducted in February and March 2019 on a sample of 199 respondents (police, courts, prosecutors, social welfare, independent bodies and CSOs) from 21 local communities in four regions in Serbia (Belgrade, Vojvodina, Eastern and Southern Serbia, and Central and Western Serbia). The research was carried out as part of the project Promoting dialogue with governmental institutions and independent bodies on gender based discrimination and gender-based violence, which was part of the United Nations Agency on Gender Equality and Women’s Empowerment (UN Women) program Ending violence against Women in the Western Balkans and Turkey: Implementing Norms, Changing Minds, funded by the European Commission. Results of the research were published in Serbian in: Ćopić, S., Šaćiri, B. (2020) Stavovi stručnjaka i stručnjakinja u Srbiji o rodnoj ravnopravnosti i rodno zasnovanom nasilju: Rezultati istraživanja, Temida, Vol. 23, No. 2, pp. 169-201, available at hyperlink and hyperlink. |
Data collection on the implementation of the CEDAW and the Istanbul Convention in Serbia |
Within the project United to Stop Violence Against Women, implemented by the NGO BIBIJA and three partner organizations from the region with the financial support of the European Union, Victimology Society of Serbia was engaged in collecting data on the implementation of the CEDAW and the Istanbul Convention in Serbia related to discrimination against Roma women in the field of health care, child marriage and support and domestic violence against women. The data was collected through interviews and through the focus groups between January and April 2019. After collecting data, a report was prepared, which, together with the reports of other civil society organizations that collected data in the field, was the starting point for the preparation of a national report for Serbia. The national reports then served as a basis for the preparation of a regional report on the implementation of the CEDAW and the Istanbul Convention regarding discrimination against Roma women in the field of health care, child marriage and providing support and protection to Roma women in the situation of domestic violence. |
European Sourcebook of Crime and Criminal Justice |
In 2018, Serbia was included for the second time in the project European Sourcebook of Crime and Criminal Justice, implemented as part of the project Linking International Criminal Statistics (LINCS): SPACE and the European Sourcebook, funded by the European Union and the Council of Europe. Dr Sanja Copic, Senior Research Fellow in the Institute of Criminological and Sociological Research and President of the Executive Board of the Victimological Society of Serbia has been appointed as the National Coordinator for the Republic of Serbia for the sixth round of the European Sourcebook In Serbia, the project was implemented in cooperation of the VDS and the research team of the project 179044 Development of methodology of recording crime as a basis for creating effective measures for combating crime, which was financed by the Ministry of Education, Science and Technological Development of the Republic Serbia, implemented by the Faculty of Special Education and Rehabilitation of the University of Belgrade and coordinated by prof. dr Vesna Nikolić-Ristanović. |
The study of students’ attitudes towards gay and lesbian issues and crime |
Victimology Society of Serbia, in cooperation with the research team of the project 179044 Development of methodology of recording crime as a basis for creating effective measures for combating crime, financed by the Ministry of Education, Science and Technological Development of the Republic of Serbia, implemented by the Faculty of Special Education and Rehabilitation of the University of Belgrade and coordinated by prof. Vesna Nikolić-Ristanović, PhD, conducted the survey aimed at obtaining information on students’ attitudes towards homosexuality and crime. The survey was also implemented in Croatia, Bosnia and Herzegovina, Slovenia, some US states, Uruguay, Sierra Leone, Taiwan, Argentina and China. In Serbia, the survey was conducted on a sample of 188 students of the third and fourth year of the undergraduate studies at three faculties in Belgrade: the Faculty of Special Education and Rehabilitation and the Faculty of Philosophy, Department of Psychology (University of Belgrade) and the Faculty of Law (University Union). A part of the research findings was published in: Nikolić-Ristanović, V., Ćopić, S., Stevković, Lj. (2019) Attitudes of Students in Serbia Towards Lesbians and Gay Men: the Research Results, in: L. Čičkarić, Z. Mršević (ur.) Contemporary Issues and Perspectives on Gender Research. Belgrade: Institute of Social Sciences, str. 118-153. |
Research and analysis of VDS info and support service |
Since 2005, data on the work of the VDS info and support service has been maintained and processed by using a specially designed questionnaire and on the basis of the adopted uniform methodology of data entry and processing. In this way, based on the Service’s data, the basis for regular monitoring, research, comparison and analysis of the work, as well as, for better connection of theory and practice and better utilization of the total capacity of the Victimology Society of Serbia, was set. Besides, in this way basis for uniform guidance of VDS info and support service’s data was set. |
2018 |
Comparative analysis of victim support systems in the selected Balkan countries |
In 2018, as a part of the project Raising awareness on victims’ rights in Serbia, the Victimology Society of Serbia conducted a comparative analysis of victim services in the selected Balkan countries. The comparative analysis of victim support aimed to obtain information on the structure and functioning of victim support in Serbia, Croatia, Bosnia and Herzegovina, Montenegro and Macedonia. The data was collected through a qualitative analysis of the normative framework and analytical documents on the victim support system in the selected countries, and the survey. The findings of the research present a basis for the improvement of victims’ rights and establishment of a national victim support system in Serbia, taking into account the experiences and examples of good practice from the surrounding countries. The research results are presented in: Nikolić-Ristanović, V., Ćopić, S., Nikolić, J., Šaćiri, B. (2018) Podrška žrtvama u izabranim državama Balkana: Komparativna perspektiva. Beograd: Viktimološko društvo Srbije i IGP „Prometej“. |
Collecting and recording data on cases of violence against Roma women 2017-2018 |
During 2017 and 2018 the Victimology Society of Serbia participated in the project For Active Inclusion and the Rights of Roma Women in the Western Balkans II, which was implemented in Serbia by the NGO Bibija – Roma Women’s Center from Belgrade and CARE International Balkans. The VDS was engaged in the part of the project related to the collection and recording of data on cases of violence against Roma women in the family and intimate partnerships. The research aimed to find out the extent and characteristics of violence against Roma women in family and intimate partnership, factors influencing the exposure of Roma women to domestic and intimate partnership violence and forms of social response to violence against Roma women in family and intimate partnership. |
Case study in the field of violence against Roma women in the family and intimate partnership |
The case study of violence against Roma women in the family and intimate partnership was conducted as part of the project For Active Inclusion and the Rights of Roma Women in the Western Balkans II, which was implemented in Serbia by the NGO Bibija – Roma Women’s Center from Belgrade and CARE International Balkans. The VDS conducted a research aimed at obtaining data on the functioning of the system of providing assistance and support to Roma women victims of domestic violence in practice, assessing the functioning of the system in these cases and making recommendations for its improvement. A central part of the methodology applied in this research was the collection of data on individual cases of violence against Roma women in the family and intimate partnership. For each individual case, data was collected by a combination of different techniques and from different data sources. |
2017 |
Research of organizations and institutions on the territory of Serbia that provide assistance and support to victims of crime |
In 2017 the Victimology Society of Serbia conducted a survey of organizations and institutions on the territory of Serbia that provide assistance and support to victims. The research was part of a broader project called Overview of existing victim support services in Serbia, implemented by the World Bank and the Multi-Donor Trust Fund for Justice Sector Support (MDTF-JSS) in partnership with Victim Support Europe. This project aimed to support the Government of the Republic of Serbia to, in the context of Serbia’s accession negotiations with the European Union, develop and establish a national system of victim services, which is in line with the EU Directive establishing minimum standards on rights, support and protection victims of crime and contribute to the improvement of services for victims in Serbia. The subjects of the research were the organizations and institutions on the territory of Serbia that provide assistance and support to victims. The aim of the research was to map organizations and institutions that provide assistance and support to victims and to obtain basic information about each service, including the available forms of assistance and support provided, which type of victims are supported and the ways in which victims can get proper assistance and support. The results of the research are presented in: Overview of Existing Victim Support Services in Serbia, Victim Support Europe, 2017, which is available at hyperlink |
2016 |
Alternative ways of looking at crime and insecurity – „ALTERNATIVE“ 2012-2016 |
Within the project Developing alternative understandings of security and justice through restorative justice approaches in intercultural settings within democratic societies, Victimology society of Serbia implemented a research work package Fostering victim-oriented dialogue in a multiethnic society. Research of the Victimology Society of Serbia aimed at developing alternative models of resolution of existing and prevention of future conflicts between members of different ethnic groups in Serbia, which may contribute to closing a circle of violence and the increase of overall security of the citizens. This research was a continuation of earlier action research aimed at finding out what model of truth and reconciliation is suitable for Serbia and aimed at further theoretical and practical development of the “Third Way” model in dealing with conflicts in Serbia. During 2012 VDS conducted theoretical research, i.e. a literature review and qualitative research of civil society’s and state’s dealing with interethnic and related political and intercultural conflicts in Serbia in the period 1990-2012. The research results are presented in the research report Dealing with interethnic conflicts in Serbia and the place of restorative justice and victims. Full text of the research report is available here. In addition, the research findings are presented in: Ćopić, S. (2013) Aktivnosti i diskurs državnih organa i institucija u Srbiji u bavljenju međuetničkim sukobima, Temida, 3-4, str. 61-94; Nikolić-Ristanović, V., Šaćiri, B. (2013) Bavljenje međuetničkim konfliktima od strane organizacija civilnog društva u Srbiji: aktivnosti i diskurs. Temida, 3-4, str. 27-60; Nikolić-Ristanović, V., Ćopić, S. (2016) Dealing with the past in Serbia: achievements in the past 20 years, U: M. Fischer, O. Simić (ur.) Transitional Justice and Reconciliation – Lessons from the Balkans, Oxon, New York: Routledge: 141-168. Prior to conducting the empirical research study in 2013, VDS conducted a research on organisations, institutions and independent state agencies that provide services (assistance, support, protection, information, mediation etc.) to victims of violence, discrimination and other forms of human rights’ violations, including those that are ethnically motivated, particularly focusing on the regions where the research sites are situated. The aim of the research was to collect the data on relevant organisations, institutions and agencies, to develop a database and to prepare informative material with the list of relevant organisations, institutions and agencies in three multiethnic regions in Serbia with their contact details, target groups and available services. The data was collected through the electronic questionnaire. Based on the collected data, a database of these organizations, institutions and independent bodies was developed and informative material was prepared, which was later distributed by the interviewers to the citizens (respondents) during the empirical research. During 2013 VDS conducted an empirical research study with the aim to find out how people from multiethnic communities in Serbia deal with interethnic conflicts in their everyday life, to identify problems and positive experiences in solving them, and to analyse how victims are treated, how the security is perceived by the citizens, and what is the place of restorative approaches in dealing with conflicts and security. The research consisted of two parts: qualitative research and a quantitative survey on interethnic relations, existing micro-level interethnic conflicts and ways of dealing with them by citizens in the three multiethnic communities in the border regions of Serbia: 1) Bac and Backa Palanka (the region of Vojvodina), 2) Medvedja (South Serbia), and 3) Prijepolje (South-West Serbia). The research had an action character. The research results are presented in the research report Conflicts, security and justice in intercultural context of Serbia. Full text of the research report is available here. In addition, the research findings are presented in: Nikolić-Ristanović, V., Ćopić, S., Petrović, N., Šaćiri, B. (2015) Viktimizacija i pravda u interkulturalnom kontekstu Srbije. Temida, 2, str. 31-58; Nikolić-Ristanović, V., Ćopić, S., Petrović, N., Šaćiri, B. (2015) Security and justice in the multi-ethnic communities in Serbia, U: D. Kolarić (ed.) International Scientific Conference ’Archibald Reiss Days’ – Thematic Conference Proceedings of International Significance, Beograd: Kriminalističko-policijska akademija/Academy of Police and Criminalistic studies, tom/vol. II: 27-36; Nikolić-Ristanović, V., Ćopić, S., Petrović, N., Šaćiri, B. (2017) Conflicts, victimization and restorative justice in intercultural settings: an example of action research in Serbia. In: I. Vanfraechem, I. Aertsen (eds.) Action Research in Criminal Justice – Restorative Justice Approaches in Intercultural Settings, pp. 99-116. During 2014 and 2015 an action research was conducted to test the applicability of the “Third Way” model in three multiethnic communities in Serbia, which were more directly affected by the conflicts in the former Yugoslavia and its further, theoretical and practical, up-grading. In addition, the action research aimed to come up with the ideas and suggestions for further steps and to develop a tool (practical guide/manual) for the application of restorative approaches in intercultural contexts in Serbia. The action research consisted of two parts: participatory seminars entitled From the conflict towards the peaceful life in the community, which were held in three multiethnic communities in Serbia (Medvedja, Prijepolje and Backa Palanka) and developing a Manual on the best practices of application of restorative approaches in intercultural settings, which should serve to raise awareness and educate about restorative approaches in conflict transformation: Ćopić, S., Nikolić-Ristanović, V. (2016) Priručnik o najboljim praksama primene restorativnih pristupa u interkulturalnom kontekstu. Beograd: Viktimološko društvo Srbije i Prometej-Beograd, which is available at hyperlink Part of the results of the action research presented in: Nikolić-Ristanović, V., Srna, J., Ćopić, S. (2015) Primena restorativnih pristupa u interkulturalnim sredinama u Srbiji: Teorijska polazišta i metodološki pristup akcionog istraživanja VDS u tri multietničke sredine. Temida, 3-4, str. 81-102; Nikolić-Ristanović, V., Ćopić, S., Petrović, N., Šaćiri, B. (2017) Conflicts, victimization and restorative justice in intercultural settings: an example of action research in Serbia. In: I. Vanfraechem, I. Aertsen (eds.) Action Research in Criminal Justice – Restorative Justice Approaches in Intercultural Settings, pp. 99-116. |
2015 |
Promoting Alternative Sanctions and Restorative Justice Measures 2014-2015 |
As a part of the partnership project Promoting alternative sanctions and restorative justice measures (with the Center for Democracy Foundation), Victimology Society of Serbia conducted the research on citizens’ and policy makers’ attitudes on alternative sanctions and restorative justice measures. The research aimed to find out the level of knowledge of citizens and professionals on restorative justice and alternative sanctions as forms of social response to crime, their opinion on the possibilities of restorative justice and alternative sanctions as social responses to crime and the level of support for using these measures. In addition, when it comes to professionals, the aim of the research was also to find out their so far experience in terms of using alternative sanctions and solutions with elements of restorative justice in practice, and the problems and obstacles they face. The research findings are published in the book: Nikolić-Ristanović, V., Vučković, N. (ur.) (2015) Stavovi građana i stručnjaka o alternativnim sankcijama i restorativnoj pravdi, Beograd: Fondacija „Centar za demokratiju“, which is available at hyperlink. |
2014 |
ISRD3 – International self-reported juvenile delinquency study 2013-2014 |
The Victimology Society of Serbia, together with the Faculty of Special Education and Rehabilitation of the University of Belgrade, was included in the third round of the International self-reported juvenile delinquency study – ISRD3. The coordinator of the International self-reported juvenile delinquency study was prof. dr Martin Killias, professor of Law at the University of St. Gallen in Switzerland. The national coordinator of the project for Serbia was prof. dr Vesna Nikolic-Ristanovic. The research in Serbia was conducted during 2013 and 2014 on a sample of 1344 students of primary (VII and VIII grades) and secondary schools (I to IV grades) in Belgrade and Novi Sad. For the first time in Serbia, the research on a representative sample yielded data on the scope, structure and characteristics of juvenile delinquency, factors influencing its occurrence, as well as data on victimization of juveniles and the relationship between juvenile delinquency and victimization. The results of the research were published in the book: Nikolić-Ristanović, V. (ur.) (2016) Delinkvencija i viktimizacija maloletnih lica u Srbiji: Rezultati Međunarodne ankete samoprijavljivanjem delinkvencije, Beograd: Prometej, which is available at hyperlink. In addition, the following brochure was printed: Nikolić-Ristanović, V. (ur.) Delinkvencija i viktimizacija maloletnih lica u Srbiji: Rezultati Međunarodne ankete samoprijavljivanjem delinkvencije – Sažetak i preporuke. Beograd: Prometej, which contains a summary of the research findings and recommendations for the prevention and suppression of juvenile delinquency and assistance, support and protection of child victims, which arose from the empirical research of juvenile delinquency in Serbia. |
2013 |
Developing metodology of monitoring the application of domestic violence legislation in Serbia |
The project Developing metodology of monitoring the application of domestic violence legislation in Serbia started realising in 2010. in cooperation with UN Women. The role of Victimology society of Serbia in project realisation was: developing metodology of monitoring the application of domestic violence legislation in Serbia and pilot survey. The survey findings can be found in the study that prof. dr Vesna Nikolić-Ristanović wrote Monitoring the application of domestic violence legislation in Serbia: pilot survey findings. In 2013. study become available in electronic form on Serbian and English, https://rs.one.un.org and on the web page of Victimology society of Serbia www.vds.org.rs. |
Research of the level of inter-sectoral cooperation in protecting victims of domestic violence in the territory of the city of Kragujevac |
Within the project Improving the protection of victims of domestic violence through the establishment of a system for monitoring and evaluation of inter-sectoral cooperation which is realising by the NGO “Oasis of safety” from Kragujevac, Victimology society of Serbia conducted the research about functioning the system of protection of victims of domestic violence and the level of inter-sectoral cooperation in the proces of protection of domestic violence victims in the teritory of the city of Kragujevac. The research aimed at gaining the knowledge on how the system of protection of domestic violence victims works and what is the level of inter-sectoral cooperation in protecting victims of domestic violence in the territory of the City of Kragujevac. The role of the Victimology society of Serbia in the research realisation was: |
European Sourcebook of Crime and Criminal Justice |
By the end of 2012. Serbia was involved in data collection for the fifth edition of the European Sourcebook of Crime and Criminal Justice, after a call that was sent to prof. dr Vesna Nikolic-Ristanović by the chairman of the European Sourcebook, prof. Dr. Jorg–Martin Jehle, to accept the coordination of this activity. The collection, data entry and verification, as well as contacts with relevant institutions, were achieved through the Victimology Society of Serbia and with the support of the research team of the project 179044 Development of methodology of recording crime as a basis for creating effective measures for combating crime, which is financed by Ministry of education, science and technological development of the Republic Serbia. |
Research and analysis of VDS info and support service |
Continuous research of the work of VDS info and support service is conducted since 2004., and from mid-2005. the data are maintained and processed by using a specially designed questionnaire and on the basis of the adopted uniform methodology of data entry and processing. In this way, the basis for regular monitoring, research, comparison and analysis of the work, or Service’s data, for better connection of theory and practice, as well as better utilization of the total capacity of the Victimology Society of Serbia, was set. Besides, in this way basis for uniform guidance of VDS info and support service’s data was set. |
2012 |
Mapping the extent and characteristics of gender-based discrimination in the labor market and social response to it |
During 2012. the realisation of the project Mapping the extent and characteristics of gender-based discrimination in the labor market and social response to it which started in April 2011. was continued. This project was a part of a wider programme of the United Nations entity for gender equality and the empowerment of women (UN Women) Improving economic and social rights of women in Serbia and Montenegro. Project Mapping the extent and characteristics of gender-based discrimination in the labor market and social response to it aimed at contribution to the improvement of the overall position of women in the labor market and the protection of women who are subjected to various forms of discrimination in the labor market through the improvement of the state response to gender-based discrimination in the labor market. Two researches were realised within the project: 1. The research of the scope, structure and characteristics of discrimination against women in the labor market.. 2. The research of organizations and institutions that come into contact with cases of gender discrimination in the labor market and which are able to react to these situations and provide assistance and support to women who face discrimination in this segment of social relations. During 2012. following activities were conducted: • Analysis of data collected in the frame of the above mentioned researches and writing research report. The research results were published in a book: Nikolić-Ristanović, V., Ćopić, S., Nikolić, J., Šaćiri, B. (2012) Diskriminacija žena na tržištu rada u Srbiji, Beograd: Viktimološko društvo Srbije i Prometej-Beograd. |
Promoting respect for human rights of women in prison – Advocacy for battered women who commit crime |
Within the project Promoting respect for human rights of women in prison – Advocacy for battered women who commit crime, during 2012. the implementation of an action research which is aimed at gaining the knowledge about the conditions for serving sentence in the Correctional facility for women in Požarevac and the level of respect of female prisoners rights, continued. Within this activity data were collected by observing the conditions in prison and by interviews with female prisoners and employees in Correctional facility for women in Požarevac. Research report is published in the scientific journal Temida, no. 4 in 2012. which is dedicated to the subject Women and prison. |
Intensifying anti-corruption policy in Serbia by furthering law enforcement transparency and evidence based policy making |
Research project Intensifying anti-corruption policy in Serbia by furthering law enforcement transparency and evidence based policy making was implemented from 1st October 2010 to 1st October 2011, in cooperation with the University of Tilburg (Holand). The role of the Victimology society of Serbia in the realisation of this project was: project administration, organisation of the project board meetings, focus-groups, etc., while Jelena Dimitrijević, member of VDS, was involved in this project as local young researcher. In 2012., the research report was completed and published on Serbian and English language: Corruption policy in Serbia/Politika borbe protiv korupcije u Srbiji. Authors of the study are: prof. dr Petrus Van Duyne, Elena Stocco and Jelena Dimitrijević. Overview of the study in Serbian is available on the web page of VDS, and on English on the web page of the Anti-corruption Council https://www.antikorupcija-savet.gov.rs/. Project coordinator was prof. dr Petrus Van Duyne. Realisation of the project was financially supported by the Embassy of the Kingdom of Holland. |
2011 |
Combating trafficking in human beings for labour exploatation |
In cooperation with the University of Tilburg (Holand), Institute for human rights Ludvig Boltzman (Austria), University Deusto (Spain) and University Krajova (Romania), Victimology society of Serbia continued its activities on the realisation of the research project Combating trafficking in human beings for labour exploatation in 2011. The aim of this project was getting the knowledge on the extent to which trafficking in human beings for labor exploitation is widespread, whether and in which way these cases are processed and which forms of protection are available to victims. Also, the aim of the project was gaining the knowledge weather, in what way and how effectively the cross-border cooperation between the competent state organs, primarily the police, courts and prosecutors’ offices, when prosecuting cases of trafficking for labor exploitation, was achieved. The entire project aimed at identifying the problems and obstacles, as well as examples of good practice in order to improve cross-border cooperation, to prosecute offenders and protect victims of this type of crime. In the project realisation dr Vesna Nikolić-Ristanović and dr Sanja Ćopić were involved. |
Dealing with the Past and Peacebuilding in the Western Balkans |
Berghof Institute from Berlin (Germany) is realising the project Dealing with the Past and Peacebuilding in the Western Balkans. The role of the VDS in the project realisation considered: consulting the methodology and help with collecting data in Serbia through interviews with the representatives of organisations of the victims of war and human rights organisations. During 2011. collecting data through interviews continued, and transcripts of interviews that were conducted in Serbia, Bosnia and Hercegovina and Croatia were made. |
Developing metodology of monitoring the application of domestic violence legislation in Serbia |
Continuation of the project, which started in 2010th in collaboration with UN Women. The role of the VDS in the realisation of this project was: developing metodology of monitoring the application of domestic violence legislation in Serbia and pilot survey. In 2011. the collecting of data from court cases was conducted, as well as the processing and analysis of data. Prof. dr Vesna Nikolić-Ristanović analised data and wrote study Monitoring application of legislation and polices regarding violence against women in Serbia: pilot survey findings, which was presented on the meeting of the Gender theme group in September 2011., which gathers representatives of government institutions and NGOs. |
2010 |
Domestic violence in Vojvodina |
During 2010 the activities on the implementation of the research project Domestic violence in Vojvodina, which is part of a wider project of the Provincial secretariat for labour, employment and gender equality Towards a comprehensive system for combating violence against women in the AP Vojvodina. VDS is a partner with Provincial sekretariat for labour, employment and gender equality together with organisations EHO from Novi Sad and Autonomous women’ center from Belgrade, as well as Center for social work from Sombor. The role of the VDS in the project realisation was dual: 1. Research of domestic violence in Vojvodina which aimed at getting the knowledge about distribution, structure and caracteristics of domestic violence and social responses to this form of criminal activity. 2. Research of the existing services for women victims of violence in Vojvodina and recording of services that provide support to victims of domestic violence, as well as establishing the system of indicators for measurement and evaluation of the efectivnes of the measures taken to combat violence against women in Vojvodina. Activities in 2010 included: updating the universal informational-documentation database of practices, services and facilities in the field of violence against women (data collection and processing) and presentation of the research results. During 2010., the results of the research of domestic violence in Vojvodina were published in: Nikolić-Ristanović, V. (ur.) (2010) Nasilje u porodici u Vojvodini. Novi Sad: Pokrajinski sekretarijat za rad, zapošljavanje i ravnopravnost polova. Research results were also presented on 6th June 2010. in Novi Sad on the promotion of the publication mentioned above. Research results were presented by: Prof. dr Vesna Nikolić-Ristanović, dr Sanja Ćopić, Nikola Petrović i Ljiljana Stevković. |
Monitoring referral mechanism and system of protection of women victims of trafficking in Serbia |
Victimology society of Serbia, through the UNDP/EU project and with institutional assistance of the Gender equality directorate of the Ministry of labour and social policy, worked on the realisation of the project Monitoring referral mechanism and system of protection of women victims of trafficking in Serbia. The main goal of the project was to propose models for monitoring and evaluation of the referral system and the system for the protection of women victims of trafficking in Serbia. Project started on 23rd April 2009. and lasted till 25th January 2010. |
2009 |
Male trafficking in Serbia |
From November 2007. to november 2009., VDS was implementing the project Male trafficking in Serbia. The main aim of the research was to collect data about distribution, structure and caracteristics of male trafficking in Serbia, as well as the response of government agencies and institutions and non-governmental organizations on this issue. |
Survey opinions about crime of students of the Faculty of Special Education and Rehabilitation in Belgrade |
Victimology society of Serbia, in cooperation with Faculty of special education and rehablitation in Belgrade, conducted the research about students’ opinions on crime. Research was conducted as a part of a wider international criminological study. Similar researches were conducted at the end of the 20th century in several westerneuropean countries on the basis of the questionnaire made by dr Helmut Kury from Max Plank University in Freiburg, Germany. Besides Serbia, similar researches in 2009. were conducted among students from former Yugoslav states (Bosnia and Hercegovina, Croatia, Macedonia, Slovenia), coordinated by Goražd Meško, dean of the Faculty of criminal law in Maribor, with an idea to compare the collected data. The same metodology and basic instrument was used. The questionnaire included sets of questions relating to the following topics: anxiety and fear of crime, suffered victimization (with a special segment of the victimization of women) and the opinions of various forms of social reaction to crime, with a distinctive questions regarding the death penalty. The survey included 360 students with the involvement of students from all years of study. In Serbia, the research coordinator was Prof. dr Vesna Nikolić-Ristanović, while members of the research team were Jelena Dimitrijević and Ljiljana Stevković. Questionnaire was translated from Slovakian by Prof. dr Dušan Cotič, president of the Victimology society of Serbia. |
2008 |
Legislation for the victims in Serbia: an analysis of the current situation and suggestions for changes |
The project Legislation for the victims in Serbia: an analysis of the current situation and suggestions for changes was implemented in cooperation with OSCE Mission to Serbia, from 15th December 2008. The aim of the project was to estimate the achieved level of legal protection for victims of crime in Serbia, identify deficiencies and gaps in the existing legislation and laws that are missing, and then to write a new draft model of legislation for victims in Serbia. The ultimate goal is to advocate for further changes to the relevant legislation in order to build a complete, comprehensive and effective system for protection of victims. |
Victims in Europe |
VDS is one of the partners in the project Victims in Europe. It is the project of the Victim support Europe. The subject of the project is the research of the implementation of the EU framework decision on victims position in member countries. Work on this project is volunteer. |
2007 |
Restorative justice and mass victimization. Case studies of Bosnia and Herzegovina and Serbia |
VDS participated in the implementation of the project Restorative justice and mass victimization. Case studies of Bosnia and Herzegovina and Serbia which is coordinated by Katholieke Universiteit Leuven (Belgium). The aim of this research project was to investigate the possible role and contribution of the restorative approach in dealing with conflicts in Serbia that led to mass suffering of people in the former Yugoslavia. |
2006 |
Development of victim services in Serbia |
Developement of the victim services in Serbia is a project that was financed by the EU, or, European agency for reconstruction, through the Consortium of the Center for Nonprofit Sector Development and Fund of the Center for Democracy, within the project “Fund for support civil society in Serbia.” Project implementation lasted from 6th june 2006. to 6th june 2007.
2005 |
Research „Rights based approach on rehabilitation of victims of trafficking“ |
In 2005. the book by Bjerkan, L. (ed) (2005) A life of One`s own: rehabilation of victims of trafficking for sexual exploatation was published. The book was published on Serbian and English language. Mr Biljana Simeunović-Patić translated the book from English into Serbian. In June 2005., in the Media Center in Belgrade, the public promotion of the book was held, on which, besides the authors (Lisa Bjerkan, Linda Dyrild, Vesna Nikolić-Ristanović and Biljana Simeunović-Patić) spoke Dragana Petrović, Vice President of the Council for Gender Equality of the Government of RS and Marianne Berg Haaland, First Secretary of the Embassy of Norway in Belgrade. The results of the research Rights based approach on rehabilitation of victims of trafficking, which was implemented during 2004. in cooperation with Sør-Trøndelag University College (Faculty of Health Care and Social Professions, Department of Social Work Programme) and Fafo Institute for Applied International Studies from Norvay, was presented in the book. In this project dr Vesna Nikolić-Ristanović and mr Biljana Simeunović-Patić were involved. |
Developing mechanisms for monitoring the issuance of the temporary residence permits to victims of trafficking and judical processing of trafficking in human beings cases in Serbia |
This project was realised in the second half of the 2005. in cooperation with the Office of the International Organisation for Migration from Belgrade. The aim of the project was to develop a proposal of the mechanism for the monitoring of trafficking in human beings, with a special focus on monitoring the procedure of issuing temporary residance permits to victims of trafficking in human beings and the processing of cases of traffing in human beings in Serbia.
In this project mr Sanja Ćopić and dr Vesna Nikolić-Ristanović were directly involved, and in some activities mr Biljana Simeunović-Patić, Tijana Vitorović, Olivera Simić i Marina Kovačević were involved. |
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