Awards the Victimology Society of Serbia

Victimology Society of Serbia established three awards in 2009:

  • The award for the contribution to the improwement of victims’ rights. The award for the contribution to the promotion of victims’ rights is awarded to individuals or organizations who have significantly contributed through their activities and efforts to the promotion of victims’ rights and to achieving main aims of the Victimology Society of Serbia
  • The award for a non-conflict and comprehensive approach to dealing with the war and war crimes “Third way”. The “Third way” award is given to individuals or organizations that, through their activities or efforts, have made a special contribution to the development of a non-conflictual and comprehensive approach to dealing with the consequences of war and building peace in Serbia.
  • The award for the talented young researcher. The award to a talented young researcher is awarded to young people for particularly high-quality scientific research work in the field of victimology, and aims to encourage young people to engage in scientific research work in the field of victimology.

    Award winners in 2024

    The award for contribution to the promotion of victims’ rights is given to Marija Maša Dakić

    Marija Maša Dakić attracted the attention of the public with the play “Prima facie” directed by Anja Suša and based on the text by Suza Miller, which she performed masterfully in the Bitef theater. With this monodrama, Maša managed to raise important issues related to the insensitivity of the justice system towards victims of sexual violence, then with her media appearances she gave support to all women who faced gender-based violence and contributed to increasing the visibility of organizations that provide help and support to women and girls who are victims. sexual violence. With this award, we want to thank Maša for everything she has done, but also to point out the great importance and changes that public figures can make in the field of raising public awareness regarding gender-based violence, but also to give an incentive to openly and without judgment talks about sexual violence against women.

    The “Third Way” award is given to dr Bojan Đokić

    Dr Bojan Đokić is a postdoctoral fellow at the International Institute for Holocaust Research, Yad Vashem, in Jerusalem. With his scientific research and activist work, he made a significant contribution to the fight for the advancement of victims’ rights, the culture of remembrance and the development of a comprehensive approach to dealing with the consequences of the Second World War and armed conflicts during the last decade of the 20th century in the territory of the former Yugoslavia. In his work, he draws special attention to the problem of missing persons during armed conflicts in the former Yugoslavia, especially in Kosovo and Metohija, the importance of supporting the families of victims and building peace in Serbia.

    The Talented Researcher Award was given to: Miona Vasić and Nađa Ignjatović for quality work and successfully defended Master theses in the field of victimology

    Miona Vasić completed and successfully defended her master’s thesis entitled “Characteristics of violent victimization of children during placement in a home for children without parental care Spomenak”. Through this work, she demonstrated her talent for doing research, especially in the field of victimological research, as well as the application of qualitative methodology. The experiences gained through this research are also valuable for her work as an expert workereducator in the “Spomenak” home, which will enable her to connect theory, research and practice. We believe that this award will be an important incentive for Miona to continue to engage in scientific and research work, especially in the field of victimology, which she will do through her doctoral studies, which she is currently pursuing.

    Nađa Ignjatović completed and successfully defended her master’s thesis entitled “Analysis of media coverage of femicide in Serbia”. Nadja showed research curiosity, good skills in applying qualitative analysis, as well as linking theory and research findings. The paper provides a good basis for further advocating for reforms in media reporting on this and other sensitive topics and forms of violence, especially against women and children. We believe that this award will be an important incentive for Nadja to continue doing scientific research, especially in the field of victimology.


    Award winners in 2023

    The award for contribution to the promotion of victims’ rights is awarded to Brankica Janković, Commissioner for Equality.

    Brankica Janković graduated from the Faculty of Law, University of Belgrade, master studies finished at the Faculty of Law, University of Novi Sad, currently on Phd studies at the Faculty of Security studies in Belgrade. People’s Assembly of the Republic of Serbia chose Brankica Janković as the Commissioner for Equality in 2015. (first mandate), and again in 2020., which is her second mandate. For many years, especially after being named as a Commissioner for Equality, Brankica Janković has been consistently arguing for respect for all citizens, male or female, for recognition of discrimination and for timely and efficiently reacting in cases in which  iscrimination appears. With special attention she has been arguing for respecting childrens’, womens’ rights and also rights for elderly people and people with disabilities. Her activities, from the beginning of the first mandate at the position of Commissioner for Gender Equality to today, marked a large number of reports, submitted complaints and addresses to the public.Brankica Janković reacts regularly, both to cases of violation of the rights of certain groups and preventively, in order to prevent them from happening.She gave a great deal with her work and efforts and a permanent contribution to the improvement of victims’ rights and the achievement of the goals for which the VDS exists founded, so the Board of Directors of VDS made a decision to give this award to Brankica.

    The Talented Researcher Award is given to Sanja Kalajdžić, Tamari Trajković and Aleksandra Stojanović

    Sanja Kalajdžić defended her master’s thesis on the topic “Refugees as victims and survivors”, with the mentorship of prof. dr Vesna Nikolić-Ristanović, at the University of Belgrade – Faculty for special education and rehabilitation.The topic of her master’s thesis is already very current for decades, and has been updated in recent years with numerous political and social issues changes around the world. The special value of the work is in its empirical part. Qualitative research was conducted, which was a real challenge for Sanja, especially if we have in mind that she talked about the experience of war and refugees with people of different ages and after almost three decades, thus returning them to the past, especially if they don’t talk about it often and they don’t want to remember. Through all her work, she successfully tried to take a step forward in treating refugees, not only as victims, but as survivors, because, as she stated in conclusion: “refugees are victims, but they don’t have to be victims all their lives”. We believe that this award will be an incentive for further engaging in scientific and research work, especially in the domain of victimology.

    Tamara Trajković defended her master’s thesis on the topic “Prejudices and stereotypes about sexuality and their influence on the occurrence of sexual violence”, under the mentorship of prof. dr Vesna Nikolić-Ristanović, at the University of Belgrade – Faculty of Special Education and Rehabilitation. The topic of Tamara’s master’s thesis is current and very important, but it was neglected for a long time, even and in research. Movements like #metoo or #nisamprijavila, as well as individual cases of sexual violence that occurred in Serbia. Nevertheless, we continue to witness how far they come in public discourse and everyday communication to the expression of prejudices and stereotypes related to sexual violence and sexuality. That’s exactly why the research done by Tamara is significant. It provides a good basis for further work on prevention, first of all through raising awareness of stereotypes and prejudices and then through work on their reduction and elimination, which is also important for the prevention of sexual victimization, but also for committing sexual violence against others. We believe that this award will be an important incentive for Tamara to continue doing scientific research, especially in the domain of victimology.

    Aleksandra Stojanović defended her master’s thesis on the topic "Attitudes about violence against women in rural areas" at the University of Niš – Faculty of Philosophy, under mentorship dr Ivana Janković, within which she conducted research on a sample of 250 women, aged from 18 to 70 years old in ten villages of the Rasin district. This research provides valuable data on the attitudes of women in rural areas regarding partner violence against women, as well as their personal experiences with this form of violence, which represents a kind of contribution towards understanding of this problem. In her work, she combines quantitative and qualitative approach to research, which provides her work with a wealth of different data and quality of the work itself. Her motivation for researching this topic stands out. To prevent and prevention of violence exactly what we need are engaged individuals, male and female, who recognize the need for change in their environment and are ready to participate in those changes. Such individuals, male and female, among them Aleksandra, should be supported, and one way of support is this award of the Victimology Society of Serbia, which was awarded to her.


    Award winners in 2022

    The award for contribution to the improwement of victims’ rights is awarded to Radmila Gujaničić

    Radmila Gujaničić is a long-time member of the Victimology Society of Serbia, who founded the first feminist group in Western Serbia, the Women’s Center of Užice, in 1998. Within the Women’s Center of Užice, Radmila deals with gender studies, economic empowerment of women in general and women from the countryside in particular, as well as the fight against discrimination based on sex and gender. She is the author and implementer of a large number of trainings for the economic empowerment of women. She worked on the establishment of women’s groups in Western Serbia and the establishment of cooperatives. In 2010, she initiated and helped launch the project “Collection and recycling of textiles towards sustainable social services”, the project was recognized by the National Employment Service and other institutions as important for the employment of women from vulnerable groups. RETEX, an innovative center for the collection and recycling of textiles, which currently employs more than 10 women from vulnerable groups, was created on the basis of the mentioned project. In 2015, Radmila Gujaničić launched a new SOS phone service within the Women’s Center of Užice, which was licensed in June 2018. Since 2015, in addition to active work on the economic empowerment of women, Radmila has been actively engaged in advocacy processes for the regionalization of the SOS telephone and the construction of a safe house in the Zlatibor district. She is active in the Women Against Violence Network, within which she worked in 2022 on Mapping the capacities and services of the Women Against Violence Network. The synergy of working on economic empowerment and helping and supporting women victims of violence is one of the best ways to help them get out of violence. Taking everything into account, the Management Board made a decision to award Radmila Gujaničić an award for her contribution to the advancement of victims’ rights, thus recognizing her enthusiasm, sacrifice and perseverance.


    Award winners in 2021

    The award for contribution to the improwement of victims’ rights is awarded to Jadranka Radovanović

    Jadranka Radovanović graduated from the Faculty of Philosophy in Belgrade in 1980, majoring in psychology, majoring in clinical and child psychology. In addition to formal education, Jadranka attended and completed various national and international educations in the field of psychosocial support and protection of children from abuse and neglect in the family. For the last four decades, more precisely from the 1980s until today, Jadranka has been actively contributing to the improvement of 8 victims’ rights, with a special emphasis on the improvement of the rights and protection of children and young people as victims. She first began to deal with victimology and victims’ rights by actively participating in the work of the Yugoslav Society of Victimology, as part of a small group of scientific workers and experts who represented Serbia in that society. She is one of the founders and a long-time member of the Victimology Society of Serbia (VDS). In the period 1997-2001, she was a member of the Executive Board of VDS. Also, in his biography, he has published professional works on the subject of abuse and neglect of children, problems of loneliness and prevention of aggressive behavior among young people. He continuously works on psychosocial support for children and young people, as well as education and raising public awareness of their problems through guest appearances in the media. Until her retirement, she was employed at the elementary school “Jovan Dučić” in Belgrade, where, as a school psychologist, she recognized the problems of child victims of violence and children from the Roma population very early (long before it was recognized by the state), and wholeheartedly helped them and provided protection, both from violence and discrimination. Since 1996, he has been continuously working in the Youth Counseling Center at the Youth Center in Belgrade. In the period 1997-1999. she was engaged in supporting children and women victims of violence in the Counseling Center against domestic violence. Bearing in mind all of the above, the Management Board was of the opinion that it is time to recognize Jadranka for all her contributions, and to make visible her decades of work advocating for the rights of victims and providing support to victims, especially children and young people.


    Award winners in 2020

    The award for contribution to the improwement of victims’ rights is awarded to dr Zorica Mršević

    Dr. Zorica Mršević is a scientific advisor at the Institute of Social Sciences in Belgrade and a member of the Victimology Society of Serbia. From 1992 until today, Dr. Mršević was active on the feminist, scientific, activist and international scene, especially advocating for the protection of the rights of victims from marginalized categories of the population. She was one of the founders and first lecturers of Women’s Studies in Belgrade, the SOS telephone for women and children victims of violence, the Autonomous Women’s Center, Yukoma, Labris and others. Through her extensive, three-decade-long work, she combined and continues to combine feminist theory and research activities with LGBT activism, all this together with teaching activities, as well as the practice of international organizations and domestic state and government bodies, independent institutions, engagement in the field of public policies and drafting laws, state strategies and action plans in the field of gender equality, anti-discrimination, human rights and the phenomenology of violence, with an undoubted impact on improving the rights of victims of violence and discrimination from the most marginalized categories of the population. The author of more than twenty books and over 400 scientific papers published in domestic and foreign scientific periodicals, she managed and/or participated in dozens of research projects, looking at the rights of victims always through the prism of her consistent feminist commitment. He made an original contribution to social changes in Serbia through his research, teaching and activist work on the protection and promotion of the rights of LGBTI persons. She is the author of the first research and scientific papers published in Serbia on: freedom of public assembly of LGBT people (pride parades), justification and necessity of legal regulation of same-sex communities in Serbia, lesbian identity and rights. Dr. Mršević is particularly focused on the rights, status and depathologization of trans people. She participated in the drafting of the Model Law on Gender Identity and the Rights of Intersex Persons, which is based on the principles of depathologization and self-determination.

    The “Third Way” award is given to Dr. Milovan Pisarri

    Dr. Milovan Pisarri is a historian and director of the Center for Applied History from Belgrade. Through his previous scientific research and activist work, his contribution to the development of a non-conflict and comprehensive approach to dealing with the consequences of the Second World War, wars during the nineties in the territory of the former Yugoslavia, as well as to the construction of a conflict-free society in Serbia and the region is visible. At the center of his interest is the suffering of minority groups, and the focus of his research is the position of civilians under occupation and the crimes committed against them. He defended his doctoral dissertation at the University of Venice in 2011, in which he dealt with crimes against civilians in Serbia during the First World War. Dr. Pisarri, together with eight other experts and activists, founded the Center for Applied History with the aim of bringing the history of marginalized groups, places of suffering, anti-war resistance and pacifism closer to citizens. The Center’s activities, in addition to research, include exhibitions, seminars for teachers and students, public tours, conferences. The aim of these activities is to talk about the forgotten victims, but also to build a different narrative from the dominant one, which is still based on the glorification of nationalism and militarism, on the creation of myths about war efforts and on intolerance towards other peoples.


    Award winners in 2019

    The award for contribution to the improwement of victims’ rights is awarded to the Daje Roma Center for Women and Children from Belgrade (Serbia) and Fana Delia, executive coordinator of the Center for Roma Initiatives from Nikšić (Montenegro)

    Roma Daye Center for Women and Children (Roma Daye) was founded in 2001 by women from the Roma settlement in Zemun Polje, with the aim of opposing sexual violence to which women were exposed on the way to the urban part of the settlement. During 18 years of work, the Daje organization was dedicated to the fight for a dignified life without violence and discrimination against Roma women and improving the position of Roma women in all spheres of life, primarily in terms of the right to education, employment, health, the right to choose a partner and family planning. The Daje organization has an SOS telephone line for women and children who are victims of violence and discrimination, and provides support to women who have experienced violence in informal Roma settlements in Belgrade. Daje is a member of the Women Against Violence Network, the Roma Women’s Network and the Women in Black Network of Serbia. Enthusiasm, dedication and hard work in the field of respect for human rights and the fight for a dignified life without violence of particularly sensitive groups such as Roma women, decided the Management Board of VDS to make a decision to award the Daya organization an award for the improwement victims’ rights.

    Fana Delija is the executive coordinator of the Center for Roma Initiatives from Nikšić (Montenegro), a women’s, Roma and Egyptian non-governmental organization, which was founded in 2004. She participated in numerous projects aimed at integrating Roma women into Montenegrin society and improving the position of the Roma and Egyptian communities, especially women, encouraging them to continue their education, strengthen themselves economically and participate politically in society. During the past four years, she was primarily engaged in the prevention of child arranged marriages and providing support to victims of domestic violence, especially as a trusted person. She is a member of the National Operational Team for the fight against domestic violence and violence against women and the Multidisciplinary Team for Domestic Violence within the Center for Social Work Nikšić. She is the author of an accredited training program for professionals, associates and members of multidisciplinary teams for the prevention and suppression of child arranged marriages. Due to her dedication to advocating for the economic empowerment of women, especially Roma and Egyptian women, the fight against violence against women, especially domestic violence, and the prevention of child marriages in Montenegro, the VDS Management Board decided to award her an award for improwement the rights of victims.

    The “Third Way” prize is awarded to prim. Prof. dr Branka Antić Stauber and Milan Đurić

    Prim. Ph.D. Branka Antić Stauber is the president of the Association “Strength of Women” Tuzla, which provides psychological, social, medical, pedagogical and legal assistance to women, adolescent girls and children who have suffered various traumatic experiences due to the war and post-war events in Bosnia and Herzegovina. In her work, Branka, like the “Snaga žene” Association, adopts an inclusive approach in dealing with the consequences of war and other forms of suffering. On the occasion of 20 years of existence and work of 8 Associations, an exhibition entitled We Are Alive – Women’s Dreams in BiH and the Difficult Way to Their Realization was prepared, which tells about 11 women from all three entities, who survived the war in the former Yugoslavia, who impressed Branka and her associates with their way of fighting for a better life. This exhibition is another way to support dialogue about the possibilities of the recovery process in the still divided society of Bosnia and Herzegovina. Prim. Ph.D. Branka Antić Stauber, through her primary work as a doctor and through her work in the “Strength of Women” association, made a great contribution to making the lives of others, especially other women, more beautiful and pleasant. The VDS Board of Directors decided to award Branka the “Third Way” award in recognition of her many years of dedicated work on empowering women and communities in Bosnia and Herzegovina, establishing dialogue and developing a non-conflict society. It is at the same time recognition and incentive for further work for all her associates in the “Strength of Women” Association.

     Milan Đurić is a master’s student at the Faculty of Political Sciences of the University of Belgrade, he is one of the founders and president of the Association of the Visually Impaired and Blind in the city of Valjevo and the coordinator of the “Step towards Social Entrepreneurship” program, which aims to create conditions for the employment of people with disabilities, victims of war and other hard-to-employ categories. As a twelve-year-old boy, in 1996, in the village where he was born, during the explosion of residual war material, he was seriously wounded; he lost sight in both eyes and part of his left hand. Despite the fact that due to long-term treatment he was late for regular schooling and that he faced numerous obstacles in order to continue his education, Milan managed to graduate from the Faculty of Political Sciences, majoring in social work and social policy, and then enroll in master’s studies. Milan is an active member of a large number of organizations and associations that advocate for the rights of civilian war invalids, truth and reconciliation, and the prohibition of antipersonnel mines, cluster munitions, and nuclear weapons. He was the organizer of activities and campaigns to raise awareness and improve the position of war victims and people with disabilities. The Board of Directors of VDS decided to award Milan the “Third Way” award. We believe that this is an important recognition not only for Milan, but also for all innocent victims, especially civilian victims of war, who, unfortunately, are still invisible in Serbia.


    Award winners in 2018

    The award for contribution to the improwement of victims’ rights is awarded to the Center for the Promotion of Women’s Health and prof. Dr. Zoran Pavlović

    The Center for the Promotion of Women’s Health is a women’s non-governmental organization based in Belgrade, which has existed independently for ten years, but which has 25 years of experience in the field of promotion and protection of women’s health. One of the most important areas in the work of the Center are activities aimed at protecting women victims of violence and promoting their rights. In this area, attention is paid to direct work with women who suffer violence, on the one hand, and with health workers at all levels of health care, on the other hand, with special emphasis on the education of doctors and other medical workers in primary health care as the most important link in timely recognizing violence and its consequences and empowering women to actively participate in the fight against violence.

    Prof. Zoran Pavlović, Ph.D., is the Provincial Protector of Citizens-Ombudsman and full professor at the Faculty of Law for Economy and Justice of the University of Economics in Novi Sad. He worked as a lawyer and public prosecutor. He started his work on the protection and promotion of victims’ rights at the end of 2000 when, as a deputy public prosecutor, he was a member of the multidisciplinary team of the City of Novi Sad for the fight against abuse. He participated in the establishment of the Safe House in Novi Sad, as well as in the drafting of laws and strategic documents important for the protection of victims. Through his work, Professor Pavlović advocated for the improvement of the rights of victims and the improvement of their protection. Also, through his work, he works to increase the visibility of the Victimology Society of Serbia, of which he is a member.

    The talented young researcher award is given to Neda Savić

    Neda Savić is a Master of Laws and PhD candidate at the Faculty of Law of the University of Niš. The award is given to her for her work entitled Women as victims of environmental crime and the connection between their victimization and the victimization of animals: an ecofeminist view, which was published in the scientific journal Temida. In this work, Neda demonstrated the ability for theoretical research and venturing into a field that is still under-researched and which will represent a significant segment of victimology theory and practice, especially feminist and green victimology. We believe that this award will stimulate her and contribute to her continued efforts to become a good and quality researcher.


    Award winners in 2017

    The award for contribution to the improwement of victims’ rights is awarded to prof. dr Marc Groenhuijsen i Vesna Stanojević

    Prof. Dr. Marc Groenhuijsen is a full professor at the Faculty of Law of the University of Tilburg in the Netherlands and the president of the World Victimology Society. Prof. Dr. Groenhuijsen is a member of the Royal Netherlands Academy of Sciences and an honorary member of the Victimology Society of Serbia. He is the founder and first director of the International Victimological Institute INTERVICT in Tilburg. This award is given to him for decades of work and significant contribution to advocacy for victims’ rights and the development of victimology in the world and Europe, long-term cooperation with the Victimology Society of Serbia and his support and contribution to the development of VDS and its visibility in the world.

    Vesna Stanojević is the founder and coordinator of the Counseling Center against domestic violence, which has been working since 1996. The counseling center was established with the aim of helping women and children victims of domestic violence. In the middle of 2000, the first safe house was opened within the Counseling Center. Today, the Counseling Center has three Safe Houses for victims of domestic violence. The counseling center helped and supported a large number of women and children to get out of the situation of violence and overcome the crises they found themselves in, successfully persevering in their work for more than two decades, largely thanks to the efforts and dedicated work of Vesna Stanojević.

    The “Third Way” prize is awarded to Prof. Dr. Stephan Parmentier

    Prof. Dr. Stephan Parmentier is a full professor at the Faculty of Law of the Catholic University of Leuven in Belgium, coordinator of research on human rights and transitional justice at the Institute of Criminology in Leuven and Secretary General of the International Criminology Association. Especially significant cooperation of Prof. Parmentier with the VDS was realized through the Restorative Justice and Mass Victimization project. Case studies Bosnia and Herzegovina and Serbia, which made an important contribution and support to the development and shaping of a non-conflictual and comprehensive approach to dealing with war and war crimes, the “Third Way”, which is based on the principles of restorative justice, and which was developed within the Association of Joint Action for truth and reconciliation, whose establishment was initiated and coordinated by the Victimology Society of Serbia.

    The talented young researcher award is given to Zorica Jankov, Dr. Vidi Vilić and Bojan Đokić

    Zorica Jankov is a master’s in special education, who in September 2017 successfully defended her master’s thesis entitled Fear of crime in the territory of the municipality of Pančevo at the Faculty of Special Education and Rehabilitation of the University of Belgrade, under the mentorship of prof. Dr. Vesne Nikolić-Ristanović. As part of this work, she conducted empirical research, the purpose of which was to examine the fear of crime, that is, the prevalence of this phenomenon among the residents of the municipality of Pancevo. This master’s thesis represents a complete work, which deals with an important and insufficiently researched topic in our country, and in which Zorica demonstrated her ability for theoretical and empirical research.

    Dr. Vida Vilić is a doctor of legal sciences, who in 2016 successfully defended her doctoral dissertation entitled Violation of the right to privacy by misuse of social networks as a form of computer crime at the Faculty of Law of the University of Niš, under the mentorship of prof. Dr. Miomire Kostić. By writing her doctoral dissertation, she took an important step in order to, based on the theoretical study and empirical research of computer crime and abuse of social networks, which she conducted, lay the groundwork for further reforms of the national legislation, the creation of public policies and the development of programs for the prevention and protection of victims of computer crime.

    Bojana Đokić is a professional associate-historian of the Museum of Genocide Victims and a doctoral student in history at the Faculty of Philosophy of the University of Novi Sad. The award is given to Bojan for his previous research work, which was primarily focused on the victims of the Holocaust and the consequences of the Second World War and the wars during the nineties of the last century in the territory of the former Yugoslavia.


    Award winners in 2016

    The award for contribution to the improwement of victims’ rights is awarded to  prof. dr Oliveru Bačanoviću

    Prof. Dr. Oliver Bačanović is the dean and full professor at the Faculty of Security at the University of “St. Kliment Ohridski”, Skopje, Macedonia. Professor Bačanović is one of the founders of victimology in Macedonia and the first to teach the course Victimology at a higher education institution in the former Yugoslavia. Since 1996, he has been working at the Faculty of Security at the University of “St. Kliment Ohridski”, where he is currently the dean and teaches the courses Victimology, Juvenile Delinquency and Penology. Professor Bačanović has been very actively cooperating with VDS since its foundation. He has been a member of the Editorial Board of the scientific journal Temida for many years. He participated in all previous VDS annual conferences and is the most responsible for the affirmation of the VDS Annual Conference in Macedonia, which is indicated by the fact that every year we have more and more participants from Macedonia. The award for contribution to the advancement of victims’ rights is awarded to Professor Bačanović for his contribution to the advancement of victims’ rights in Macedonia and in the entire region of the former Yugoslavia, as well as the affirmation of victimology in Macedonia and Serbia, the affirmation of the Victimology Society of Serbia itself, and the building and affirmation of young experts who deal with victimology.

    The “Third Way” award is given to the NGO Nova Vizija from Prijepolje

    The NGO Nova vizija is a non-profit, non-governmental organization, which was founded in 2001 and is headquartered in Prijepolje. The NGO Nova vizija works to promote a society of equal, active citizens who nurture tolerance, respect diversity, develop partnership relations, promote knowledge and lifelong education. The NGO Nova vizia was an important partner in the implementation of VDS activities within the subproject of the Victimology Society of Serbia, Encouraging dialogue in a multi-ethnic society with the empowerment of victims, which was implemented as part of the FP7 project funded by the EU, called ALTERNATIVE. Mirsad Duran, president of the association, and Nermina Duran, program coordinator, provided immense help in the organization and realization of a series of activities, especially in the implementation of empirical research, as well as the action part of the research, which had two phases: the organization and realization of the seminar From conflict to peace of life in the community, which were carried out during 2014 in three multi-ethnic settings in Serbia, including Prijepolje, and the development of a Handbook on the best practices of applying restorative approaches in an intercultural context. Over the past four years, we have had the opportunity to work together, create, comment and learn from each other. Mirsad and Nermina showed great enthusiasm; managed to bring together people from Prijepolje who are interested in promoting restorative approaches in the prevention and resolution of problems, including conflicts, at the local level, and thus further advocating for the spread of the idea and application of the “Third Way” model as a form of restorative dialogue and model that is recognized as a possible application of restorative justice in a post-conflict society. Precisely because of this, the Board of Directors of VDS decided to award the “Third Way” award to the NGO Nova vizija.

    The talented young researcher award is given to Dana Ivović, Aleksandra Jovanović and Jelena Cvetanović

    Dana Ivović is a master of special education. She is employed at the Special Hospital for Addictive Diseases in Belgrade. In 2013 and 2014, she was a volunteer of the Victimology Society of Serbia, and in the previous three years she helped organize the annual conferences of the Victimology Society of Serbia. She defended her master’s thesis at the Faculty of Special Education and Rehabilitation entitled “Attitudes of drivers about traffic regulations and their behavior in traffic”, under the mentorship of prof. Dr. Vesne Nikolić-Ristanović. As part of this work, she conducted empirical research and demonstrated the ability for research work relevant to the improvement of the position of victims and the development of victimology as a science. Bearing this in mind, the Board of Directors of VDS made a decision to award Dani the award to a talented young researcher, believing that it will stimulate her and contribute to her continued efforts to become a good and high-quality researcher and work to improve the rights of victims.

    Aleksandra Jovanović is a master of special education. She gained work experience at the “Stevan Sremac” high school in Niš, at the “Rade Metalac” Technical School in Leskovac, as well as in civil society organizations that deal with the protection of children, youth and other vulnerable groups. She also wrote and defended her master’s thesis at the Faculty of Special Education and Rehabilitation under the mentorship of prof. Dr. Vesne Nikolić-Ristanović. As part of this work, she conducted empirical research using a survey on victimization with women in the village of Vlase, and thereby made an important contribution to both, rare in our country, research of this type conducted in rural areas, as well as to raising the awareness of rural women about gender stereotypes, violence in marriage and possibilities of prevention and protection. With that in mind, the Board of Directors of VDS decided to award Aleksandra an award to a talented young researcher. We believe that this will stimulate her to continue her research work in the field of victimology and to engage in improving the rights of victims, especially women victims of gender-based violence.

    Jelena Cvetanović, master of defectology. Since 2007, she has been employed at the Pulmonology Clinic of the Clinical Center of Serbia. She also wrote and defended her master’s thesis at the Faculty of Special Education and Rehabilitation under the mentorship of prof. Dr. Vesne Nikolić-Ristanović. For the purposes of preparing her master’s thesis, she conducted qualitative empirical research based on in-depth interviews with women and men, victims of mobbing in health institutions in Belgrade. The research also had an action character because, along with interviewing, the victims were given explanations and information about possible forms of support and the organizations and institutions they can turn to for help. Thus, she demonstrated the ability to apply qualitative methods and an action approach in victimology research, as well as a sensitive attitude towards victims. Bearing this in mind, the Board of Directors of VDS decided to award Jelena an award to a talented young researcher, believing that it will stimulate her to continue her research work in the field of victimology and to engage in the improvement of the rights of victims, especially victims of mobbing.


    Award winners in 2015

    The award for contribution to the improwement of victims’ rights is awarded to mr Rodoljub Šabić and Autonomous Womens Center

    Mr. Rodoljub Šabić, as Commissioner for Information of Public Importance and Protection of Personal Data, made a huge contribution to the improvement and protection of victims’ rights in extremely important and sensitive areas: the individual’s right to information of public importance and the individual’s right to privacy protection. This contribution is reflected both in the systemic change of the state and society towards more responsible realization and protection of these rights, as well as in the specific resolution of individual cases. Through his work, Rodoljub Šabić greatly contributed to more responsible and transparent work of authorities in protecting the rights of victims and fighting against systemic corruption. With his public appearances and the presentation of his views and opinions, he made an immeasurable contribution to the more responsible behavior of state authorities and the overall state of awareness in society regarding the protection of victims’ rights. On the systemic level, together with a working group of eminent public and professional workers, he proposed the draft text of the Law on the Protection of Whistleblowers, whose concept, unfortunately, the Ministry of Justice did not accept, and a different concept of that law was proposed and adopted in the National Assembly. Also, in the area of ​​protecting the right of individuals to privacy, he prepared and submitted to the Ministry of Justice a completely new text of the Law on the Protection of Personal Data, the concept of which was also not accepted by the Ministry of Justice. This clearly indicates the enormous efforts of Mr. Šabić to systematically improve the rights of victims, but also the enormous resistance he encounters from the competent authorities. Rodoljub Šabić’s contribution to the individual protection of victims’ rights in the areas of his work is huge. Of particular importance is his contribution to improving the position of whistleblowers and informing the public about the consequences that brave individuals suffered in connection with whistleblowing. Due to all the above, the Management Board decided to award this year the Award for Contribution to the Advancement of Victims’ Rights to Mr. Rodoljub Šabić in the desire to persevere in his efforts and efforts, which are of inestimable importance for the advancement of victims’ rights in Serbia.

    Autonomous Women’s Center (AWC) is a women’s non-governmental organization founded in 1993. AWC believes that life without violence is a basic human right and accordingly provides specialized support to women and encourages individual and institutional response to men’s violence against women, contributes to the strengthening of women’s “networks” and civil society as a whole. The services of AWC are aimed at empowering women to overcome traumas that are the result of domestic violence, partner violence and/or sexual violence, through psychosocial and legal help and support. Volunteers provide free psychosocial and legal assistance and support to women. Every year, trainings are organized for new groups of female volunteers, which contributes to the constant strengthening of capacities and achieves continuity in the work of the SOS telephone. In addition to providing direct assistance and support to women victims of violence, AWC also conducts training for professionals from all relevant services in the field of protection against violence against women. It also carries out independent monitoring of the implementation of public policies and evaluation of the interventions of public services, as well as public advocacy, all with the aim of constantly monitoring and proposing changes to relevant laws, policies and practices, in order to apply the existing solutions in an appropriate manner and ensure the protection of women victims of violence. In this regard, particularly significant efforts are related to public advocacy aimed at the full implementation of the Council of Europe Convention on the prevention and suppression of violence against women and domestic violence and the harmonization of national legislation with this international document, as well as the adoption of appropriate legal solutions related to free legal aid, compensation for victims of crimes with elements of violence and the like. Due to its activism, enthusiasm and perseverance in providing support to women victims of male violence and advocacy and advocacy for the improvement of their legal and overall position, which has been going on for more than 20 years, the Board of Directors decided to award the Autonomous Women’s Center the Award for contribution to the advancement of victims’ rights. With this, we want to acknowledge the past work of this organization and all the women who, both today and in all previous years, have been involved in the work of the AWC. We hope that this award will be at least a small additional incentive to persevere in their mission, which is important for the further development of civil society.

    The “Third Way” award is given to Ljiljana Žižić

    Ljiljana Žižić is a sociologist, engaged in the Youth Club of Bačka Palanka, a member of the NGO Society for Tolerance and one of the founders of the Counseling Education Center, Bačka Palanka. For many years, Ljiljana has been engaged in projects aimed at young people, which include cross-border youth cooperation programs from Serbia and Croatia, as well as other projects related to encouraging dialogue, networking and finding new ways to resolve conflicts, at the local and regional level. . In the last few years, she made an important contribution to the implementation of the VDS sub-project Encouraging dialogue in a multi-ethnic society with the empowerment of victims, within the activities that were implemented in Bačka Palanka and Bač. She participated in the collection of data during empirical research, in the organization and realization of the seminar From conflict to peaceful life in the community, as well as in the development of the Handbook on the best practices of applying restorative approaches in an intercultural context. She initiated the establishment of a local restorative team for Bačka Palanka and Bač, which should work on promoting restorative approaches in the prevention and resolution of conflicts in this environment. Bearing in mind the important contribution that Ljiljana Žižić has made to the development of a non-conflictual and comprehensive approach to dealing with the consequences of the war and building peace in Serbia, the Board of Directors of VDS has decided to award her this year’s “Third Way” award, believing that it will be her an additional incentive to persevere in his work and achieve even more significant results in the future.

    The talented young researcher award is given to Natalija Cecelja

    Natalija Cecelja is a master of special education; she is employed as a special education teacher at the “Kuća Mašte” Preschool. She was a volunteer in the People’s Office of the President of the Republic and in the Victimology Society of Serbia. During the school year 2011/2012. In 2008, she was engaged as a demonstrator at the Faculty of Special Education and Rehabilitation in Belgrade on the subjects Criminology, Juvenile Delinquency, Victimology and Violence against Children in the Family. Bearing in mind Natalija’s previous scientific and research work in the field of victimology, especially her master’s thesis entitled “Violence in the family: Characteristics of legal solutions and court practice”, which she defended at the Faculty of Special Education and Rehabilitation of the University of Belgrade under the mentorship of Prof. Dr. Vesna Nikolić-Ristanović, the Board of Directors decided to award her this year as a talented young researcher for particularly high-quality scientific and research work in the field of victimology. We believe that this will stimulate her and encourage her to continue doing research work relevant to victimology.


    Award winners in 2014

    The award for contribution to the improwement of victims’ rights is awarded to  Brankica Stanković and Mirjana Tripković

    Brankica Stanković, B92 journalist, author and editor of the “Insider” show, a woman who has been living with twenty-four-hour police security since December 2009, because representatives of the MUP concluded through a security assessment that her life was in danger due to the topics she covered in her shows, author the book Insider, my story, which is an extremely honest testimony of a brave woman, who exposed the various ways in which she was victimized. By shedding light on her own victimization and its connection with the public presentation of carefully documented facts about the background of crime in Serbia in recent decades, the bizarre functioning of the criminal justice system in Serbia, which protects the perpetrators and deepens the victimization of the victim, as well as her incredible persistence to continue despite everything, Brankica Stanković has made a huge contribution to the advancement of victims’ rights and the goals for which the Victimology Society stands. By awarding this award to Brankica Stanković, the VDS wants to send a message that Serbia must not allow any of its citizens to become victims of crime because they investigate it and publicly present the information they have obtained. On the contrary, the research of crime and criminal victimization, including investigative journalism, should finally become the starting point in Serbian society for evidence-based policies to fight crime, on the one hand, and adequate and effective support and protection for victims, on the other.

    Mirjana Tripković is a graduate psychologist, mediation specialist and coordinator in the service for victims of the Victimology Society of Serbia VDS info and support for victims. For years, Mirjana has been showing enormous enthusiasm, sacrifice, empathy and dedicated work in the field of direct support for victims. She made a special contribution to supporting victims of mobbing and promoting the wider application of mediation in those cases. With her work and commitment, she contributes to the improvement of victims’ rights, but also shows the extent to which volunteer work is important. Therefore, this award represents recognition for the contribution she made in the field of improving victims’ rights, and it will be an incentive for her future work.

    The “Third way” prize is awarded to prof. Dr. Radmila Nakaradi

    Prof. Dr. Radmila Nakarada is a full professor at the Faculty of Political Sciences in Belgrade. Award of Prof. Dr. Radmila Nakarada was awarded taking into account the contribution she made to the development of peace studies in Serbia, the region and at the international level. With his scientific and research work, work on the development of scientific youth, curriculum and new programs of peace studies, prof. Dr. Nakarada made a particularly significant contribution to research, critical reflection and development of non-violent conflict resolution mechanisms and the idea of ​​reconciliation in our region. A particularly important contribution of Prof. Nakarade is the inclusion of the Faculty of Political Sciences in the Regional Master’s program of peace studies in English. The program is implemented by the University of Basel in cooperation with: the Faculty of Political Sciences of the University of Belgrade, the University of Sarajevo and the University of Zagreb. This advanced interdisciplinary program will offer students knowledge in four areas of specialization: peace and conflict theory, development, mediation and security. The Faculty of Political Sciences was the first to receive accreditation for the implementation of this program. Students who complete this course will be trained for both research and practical work in the field of peacebuilding.


    Award winners in 2013

    The award for contribution to the improwement  of victims’ rights is awarded to the Law Clinic for the Protection of Women’s Rights of the Faculty of Law of the University of Niš

    The Law Clinic for the Protection of Women’s Rights was developed within the Legal Clinic at the Faculty of Law of the University of Niš through the project of the same name, which was implemented starting on November 1, 2010 by the Women’s Research Center for Education and Communication from Niš in cooperation with the Faculty of Law of the University of Niš and the Autonomous Women’s Center from Belgrade as part of the project “The rights of victims of domestic violence – towards European solutions”. The clinical training program for female students through the provision of free legal assistance to female clients took place in a model law office in the building of the Faculty of Law. In the period from November 1, 2010 to October 30, 2013, 470 female clients approached the Clinic and were provided with free legal assistance in the form of legal advice, writing lawsuits, criminal reports and other submissions. The members and founders of the Victimology Society of Serbia, Prof. Dr. Slobodanka Konstantinović-Vilić and Prof. Dr. Nevena Petrušić, a regular professor at the Faculty of Law at the University of Niš. Bearing in mind the importance of this form of professional training for law students and the focus of the work of this part of the Legal Clinic on the protection of women’s rights, especially in cases of domestic violence, the VDS Board of Directors decided to award this year the award for contribution to the improvement of victims’ rights to the Legal Clinic for the Protection of Women’s Rights Faculty of Law, University of Niš.

    The award “Third Way” is awarded to Zdravko Marijanović

    Zdravko Marijanović is a peace activist and president of the Society for Tolerance from Backa Palanka. He is the winner of the Peace Prize of the German city of Aachen (in 2009). Three years ago, he initiated the establishment of the “Friendship Bridge” Forum, which connects organizations and individuals from the former Yugoslav republics. Through this Forum, people are once again taught the richness and beauty of living in diversity, far from the distorted political image that is constantly being imposed. In his work and the work of the Society for Tolerance, as well as the “Friendship Bridge” Forum, Zdravko devotes special attention to young people, meetings of young people from the former Yugoslav republics and other countries in the region, thus working to promote tolerance, mutual acquaintance, understanding and rapprochement, and prevention future conflicts. Zdravko is a member of the executive board of the Association Joint Action for Truth and Reconciliation. He has been an associate of VDS for many years on projects aimed at promoting the idea of ​​the Third Way and the peaceful resolution of conflicts. Bearing in mind the contribution that Zdravko made through his activities and the efforts of the association that he has been leading for more than 15 years and still gives to the development of a non-conflictual and comprehensive approach to dealing with the consequences of war and building peace in Serbia and the region, the Board of Directors of VDS decided that this year the award for contribution to the development of a non-conflictual and comprehensive approach to dealing with war and war crimes – “The Third Way” was awarded to Zdravko Marijanović.

    The young talented researcher award is given to: Filip Mirić, Milica Popović and Una Radovanović

    Filip Mirić is a law graduate, a doctoral student at the Faculty of Law in Niš, majoring in criminal law. In the period from February 2, 2009 to February 2, 2012, he worked as a trainee judge at the Basic Court in Nis. Since February 2012, he has been working as a professional associate at the Law Clinic of the Faculty of Law in Niš. So far, he has published several scientific and professional papers in leading scientific journals of national importance. In view of Filip’s outstanding scientific research work, the Board of Directors of VDS decided to award this year the award to the talented young researcher Filip Mirić as recognition for what he has done so far, but much more as an incentive for further work and improvement.

    Milica Popović is a special pedagogue and a master’s student at the Faculty of Special Education and Rehabilitation at the University of Belgrade. Since May 2011, she has been a volunteer at the Victimological Society of Serbia within the VDS info and support service for victims. She participated in several conferences and panels.

    Una Radovanović is a special pedagogue and a master’s student at the Faculty of Special Education and Rehabilitation at the University of Belgrade. Since May 2011, she has been a volunteer at the Victimological Society of Serbia within the VDS info and support service for victims. She participated in several conferences, panels and seminars. Bearing in mind the previous work of Milica Popović and Una Radovanović, and especially the ability to connect theory and practice, research work and the use of literature, which they demonstrated in the co-authored work “Homosexuality in women’s prisons: deviation or deprivation?”, which was published in a scientific journal Temida, the Board of Directors of VDS decided to award this year the prize to talented young researchers Milica Popović and Una Radovanović. The board of directors was of the opinion that this award will stimulate them and contribute to their continued efforts to become good and quality researchers.


    Award winners in 2012

    The award for contribution to the improwement  of victims’ rights is awarded to prof. dr Dušanu Cotiču i Branislavu Kapetanoviću

    Prof. Dr. Dušan Cotič was assistant minister of justice and judge of the Federal Court in the SFRY, professor of criminal law at Belgrade University and our most prominent representative during three decades (1972-1992) in the UN program for crime prevention and criminal justice: he was the president of the Committee for Prevention and of Crime Control (CPCC), Chairman of the Board of Directors of the UN Institute for Crime and Justice Research (UNICRI) and of the Board of Directors of the UN European Institute for Crime Prevention and Control (HEUNI), as well as Vice-President of the Executive Board of the International Scientific and Professional Council for Crime Prevention and Criminal Justice (ISPAC). Prof. Cotič is an honored member of the Victimology Society of Serbia and the Council of the Temida magazine, and in the period from 2006 to 2009 he was the president of the Victimology Society of Serbia. This year prof. Cotic was presented with a Certificate of Appreciation for Special Contribution to the UN Crime Prevention and Criminal Justice Program, awarded by the United Nations Office on Drugs and Crime (UNODC). Prof. Dr. Dušan Cotič is a professor, judge, researcher, activist, a man of enormous knowledge, experience and energy, who is always ready to share his knowledge and experience with others. He was the initiator of major changes important for crime prevention and victim protection, both in our country and around the world, so the Board of Directors of VDS decided to award Professor Cotic this year precisely the award for his great contribution to the advancement of victims’ rights.

    Branislav Kapetanović is a deminer by profession, a senior sergeant on disability pension. During the NATO campaign, he was engaged in the cleaning of contaminated terrain throughout Serbia. He worked in the army until November 2000, when he was killed on the job. After a long recovery, at the end of 2005, he began his involvement at the international level with the aim of adopting the Convention on Cluster Munitions. Branislav agreed that over 100 countries in the world accede to this Convention. He is one of the initiators and founders of the association “Support. Rights. Access. – Serbia”, which was founded by surviving victims of mines and cluster bombs and long-term activists for the ban of these types of weapons and the promotion of victims’ rights. The award given to Branislav is in a way a recognition of all deminers, especially cluster bomb deminers who do one of the most difficult and life-threatening jobs, but also a recognition of all deminers who were severely disabled or died doing their job and who are undoubtedly a special category victims, which was somehow completely absent from the public and neglected. In addition, we believe that this award will contribute to the country paying more attention to this issue and Serbia acceding to the Convention on Cluster Munitions, especially if you bear in mind the potential victims, on the one hand, and the financial inability of the country to clean up the contaminated territories, on the other hand . Therefore, the VDS Board of Directors decided to award Branislav an award for his contribution to the advancement of victims’ rights and support him in these activities to which he is committed.


    The “Third way” prize is awarded to Katarina Pašić

    Katarina Pašić is the secretary of the Valjevo Intermunicipal Organization of Civilians Disabled of the War, she is an active member of the Victimology Society of Serbia and a member of the Coordination Board of the Association Joint Action for Truth and Reconciliation. Through the work of the Intermunicipal Organization of Civilian War Disabled, Katarina advocates for the rights and improvement of the position of civilian victims of war, as a category that society ignores and does not recognize the rights they should have, as well as their families. Bearing in mind the human and professional qualities of Katarina Pašić, the importance of her work for civilian war invalids and their families, as well as her overall contribution to the activities of the Association Joint Action for Truth and Reconciliation, the Board of Directors of the VDS was of the opinion that it was Katarina who deserved to receive the Third Way this year the road.

    The Young Talented Researcher Award is given to Bejan Šaćiri

    Bejan Šaćiri graduated from the Faculty of Philosophy, University of Belgrade, Department of Psychology, where he is currently pursuing his doctoral studies. He is employed as a researcher at the Victimology Society of Serbia. As a volunteer, he is involved in the work of the VDS info and victim support service, providing support to victims of various forms of crime. During his previous work, he was involved in several research projects, of which action research on the position of women in prison and discrimination of women on the labor market in Serbia stands out. He is one of the co-authors of the study Discrimination of women on the labor market in Serbia. He is currently involved in the VDS action research called Encouraging dialogue in a multi-ethnic society while empowering victims, which is part of the research project Alternative way of looking at crime and security – “ALTERNATIVE”, coordinated by the Katholieke Universiteit Leuven (Belgium), which is implemented within Seventh framework program of the European Commission for research and technological development (FP7 program). During his work so far, Bejan has shown exceptional research abilities, readiness for teamwork and cooperation, as well as continuing to learn and progress in scientific research work, so the Board of Directors of VDS made a decision to award him an award that represents recognition for what he has done so far , but much more an incentive for further work and improvement.


    Award winners in 2011

    The award for contribution to the improwement  of victims’ rights is awarded to the Association Fenomena  from Kraljevo

    Fenomena Association was founded in 2006 with the aim of improving the quality of life of women in the territory of the municipality of Kraljevo. It implements its activities through several programs: SOS telephone for women victims of violence, educational programs, organization of computer literacy for women and the like. One of the main goals of the current work of this organization is to collect funds for the construction of a safe house for women victims of violence in Kraljevo. In this regard, what makes this organization’s special value is their intensive work on connecting with the local community and local self-government, which was crowned by the signing of a protocol on cooperation with the municipality of Kraljevo on the construction of a safe house. The Fenomena Association is actively working to promote solidarity with everyone who needs help and support, regardless of whether they are victims of natural disasters or some other problem, which was especially evident after the earthquake that hit Kraljevo. Due to its activism, enthusiasm and perseverance in providing support to victims of violence and natural disasters, the Management Board of VDS was of the opinion that this organization should be recognized for its work so far, and given an incentive to continue to persevere in its mission. 

    The “Third Way” award is given to Mr. Novica Kostić

    Novica Kostić was born in 1960 in the vicinity of Vlasotinac. He graduated from the mechanical engineering high school in Leskovac, and until 1991 he worked at the “Miloš Dimanić” SOE in Vlasotinac. He was mobilized in October 1991 and, as a member of the reserve of the former JNA, participated in armed conflicts on the territory of the Republic of Croatia, in which he became a war invalid. Since 2002, he has been working intensively on building peace, using his war experience to convey the message against war and violence to the citizens of Serbia, especially the youth. He is a participant and co-initiator of cross-border actions for building peace and dealing with the past, and made a significant contribution to the Association Joint Action for Truth and Reconciliation and to the development of the idea of ​​the Third Way. Taking into account all of the above, the Management Board was of the opinion to award Novica Kostić the VDS “Third Way” award.

    The young researcher award is given to Nikola M. Petrović

    Nikola M. Petrović was born in 1984 in Belgrade. He graduated in 2008 at the Faculty of Philosophy in Belgrade, at the Department of Psychology. He enrolled in doctoral studies in psychology in 2009 at the Faculty of Philosophy in Belgrade and is currently working on his doctoral dissertation. Nikola is employed as an assistant at the “Milutin Milanković” Medical School of Vocational Studies on the subject Psychology of personality with mental hygiene. He is employed as an assistant-researcher at the Victimology Society of Serbia, he is the secretary and a member of the editorial board of the magazine Temida. Nikola participated in several research projects, of which the research on domestic violence in Vojvodina and the program of truth and reconciliation developed by the Victimology Society of Serbia stand out. He has several published works, among which the chapters in the book Violence in the Family in Vojvodina (2010, edited by V. Nikolić-Ristanović) stand out. Nikola also participated in several scientific and professional meetings. During his work so far, Nikola has shown exceptional research abilities, but also a willingness to continue learning and progressing in scientific research work, and the Management Board was of the opinion that awarding him this award would, on the one hand, give recognition for what he has done so far and, on the other hand, an incentive to continue working as before, but even more.


    Award winners in 2010

    The award for contribution to the improwement of victims’ rights is awarded to Jovanka Brkić, coordinator of the NGO Women in Action, Velika Plana

    Jovana Brkić was born in 1948 in Markovac. She finished high school in Velika Plana, and the Faculty of Philosophy – philosophy group in Belgrade in 1973. Until her retirement in 2007, she worked as a professor of the philosophical group of subjects in gymnasiums in Smederevska Palanka, Batočina and, for the longest time, since 1977 in the Education Center and Gymnasium in Velika Plana. She is the founder of the trusteeship of the union “Nezavisnost” in the Gymnasium in Velika Plana in 1997; NGO “Women in Action” 1999; of the Local Council of the European Movement in Serbia in 2000; SOS telephone number for women victims of violence in 2006; Info Service for victims of crime VDS in Velika Plana in 2007. For ten years of activism in civil society, she organized several round tables, forums, seminars, trainings, workshops, campaigns, mainly on violence against women and gender equality, but also on other topics. The long-term work of Jovanka Brkić, a member of the VDS, to support victims and establish institutional mechanisms to improve the position of women in general, and, in particular, to improve the position of women victims of violence in Velika Plana and its surroundings, made a significant contribution to the permanent improvement of victims’ rights in Serbia and thus achieving the goals for which the Victimology Society of Serbia was founded. Therefore, the VDS Board of Directors decided to award Jovanka an award for her contribution to the improwement of victims’ rights.

    The “Third Way” prize is awarded to Petar Fjodorov

    Petar Fjodorov was born in 1936 in Kosovska Mitrovica, Serbia. He graduated from the Military Academy, KOV – majoring in engineering and the School for the Training of Engineering Officers, the Military-Political School, the Higher Military Academy. For forty years he was a teacher at the Military Academy for Engineer Officers in Bileća and Karlovac. He served in Petrinja and Zagreb. During the war in the former Yugoslavia, he was in the camps: Glina/Viduševac, Petrinja/Artur Turkulin barracks, Sisak/sports center, Zagreb/Remetinac. Petar is the president of the Association of Prisoners in 1991, from its establishment in 1996 until today. Because of Petar Fyodorov’s long-term work in supporting and advocating for the rights of war victims, and, in particular, his contribution to the development of the ZAIP Association and the idea of ​​the Third Way, the Board of Directors of VDS made a decision to award him the “Third Way” award.

    The young researcher award is given to Jeleni Dimitrijević

    Jelena Dimitrijević was born in 1982. She entered the Faculty of Special Education and Rehabilitation at the University of Belgrade in 2001, and graduated in 2006, earning the title of graduate special pedagogue. She enrolled in specialist studies in Mediation at the Faculty of Political Sciences of the University of Belgrade in the academic year 2007/2008. (status: second year student). She enrolled in doctoral studies in special education and rehabilitation at the Faculty of Special Education and Rehabilitation of the University of Belgrade in the academic year 2008/2009 (status: second year student). She is employed as an assistant at the Faculty of Special Education and Rehabilitation, University of Belgrade, Prevention and Treatment of Behavioral Disorders. With her published works in the field of victimology and her participation in victimology research, Jelena Dimitrijević showed an exceptional sense for research work in the field of victimology. Her work “Violence against women with disabilities”, Temida, 2010, 2, p. 35-59, as well as her participation in research on trafficking in men, domestic violence, student attitudes about criminality, the referral mechanism and protection system for women victims of human trafficking in Serbia and juvenile delinquency in Belgrade through a self-report survey. Taking into account the mentioned work and research, the Board of Directors made a decision to award Jelena this award, considering that it will stimulate both Jelena’s further scientific research work and the work of other young researchers.


    Award winners in 2009

    The award for contribution to the improwement of victims’ rights is awarded Slavici Peković, Assistance and support service for witnesses and victims of the War Crimes Chamber of the District Court in Belgrade

    The service of assistance and support to witnesses and victims of the War Crimes Chamber of the District Court in Belgrade was formed in 2006, with the intention of providing emotional and logistical help and support to witnesses who come to the court to testify. Working on the development of the Witness and Victim Support Service of the War Crimes Chamber of the District Court in Belgrade, Slavica Peković contributed to the creation of a completely new service for victims in our country. At the same time, with great enthusiasm, energy and patience, she worked and continues to work with a particularly traumatized category of witnesses, that is, victims – victims of war crimes. Slavica’s contribution to the development of the War Crimes Chamber’s Assistance and Support Service for Witnesses and Victims, which today can represent a starting model for similar services in other courts, certainly contributes to the permanent improvement of victims’ rights in Serbia and thus to the goals for which the Victimology Society of Serbia was founded. Therefore, the Board of Directors of the VDS made a decision to award the award for contribution to the improvement of victims’ rights to Slavica Peković.

    The “Third Way” prize is awarded to prof. dr Jeleni Srni

    Prof. Dr Jelena Srna is an associate professor at the Faculty of Philosophy, University of Belgrade, at the Department of Psychology. With her entire professional work, especially in the last 20 years, she undoubtedly made a great contribution to the development of a non-conflictual and inclusive approach to dealing with war crimes, which the VDS stands for. She did this by providing immediate psychological help to victims of war and engaging in research and psychotherapy related to various forms of violence, as well as developing an original psychological approach to reconciliation. A special contribution to the development of the idea of ​​the Third Way, prof. Srna provided a developing psychological model of reconciliation (which includes dealing with both personal injury and responsibility) within the Association Joint Action for Truth and Reconciliation. Her contribution to the development of this model is research, educational, therapeutic and human. She described her innovative model of dealing with reconciliation in the paper “Psychological aspects of reconciliation”, in the book Possible Path to Reconciliation in Serbia: Joint Action for Truth and Reconciliation, edited by V. Nikolić-Ristanović and J. Srna, VDS and Prometej, Belgrade, 2008. Taking into account Jelena Srna’s overall contribution to the activities of the Joint Action for Truth and Reconciliation Association, the Board of Directors of VDS made a decision to award her the “Third way” award.

    The young researcher award is given to Ljiljana Stevković

    Ljiljana Stevković was born in 1979. She is a postgraduate student at the Faculty of Special Education and Rehabilitation of the University of Belgrade, Department of Prevention and Treatment of Behavioral Disorders. She is employed as a researcher-intern at the Institute for Criminological and Sociological Research in Belgrade. Ljiljana Stevković, with her published works in the field of victimology and participation in victimology research, showed an exceptional sense for research work in the field of victimology. Her work “Trafficking in Human Organs”, Temida, 2009, 12, 1: 33-46, as well as her participation in research: Family violence in Vojvodina, project Towards a comprehensive system of suppression of violence against women, is particularly notable for its quality, topicality and importance. in AP Vojvodina, the Provincial Secretariat for Work, Employment and Gender Equality and the Victimology Society of Serbia and the International Research Student Attitudes on Crime, Max Planck Institute, Freiburg, Germany, Faculty of Special Education and Rehabilitation and the Victimology Society of Serbia. Taking into account the above work and research, the Board of Directors of VDS made a decision to award Ljiljana Stevković an award for young researchers. We believe that this award will stimulate both her further scientific research work and the work of other young researchers.



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